My meet results


New member
Well here is how it went. (and it went horrible..........)

Warmups started great 45x10

Heres where things started down the wrong track. I was running out of time and sped up the warmup. I would have beeen better off forfitting the 1st lift.

3 board

550x1 (had trouble touching)

1st attempt
605 Disaster. It came back and almost landed on my face.

2nd attempt
605 Almost got it and could have locked it out but it apperently came down alittle at the top so the judge called it off.

3rd attempt
605 fast off the bottom but I was fatiguesd and it was a fight at the top. I did lock it out after a struggle.

End result.............

a 5 pound PR and a 2nd place trophy. And I'm 2 months now clean. Sebastian Burns took 1st with a 700 pound bench @271. I weighed 266 clothed for those who were wondering.


Later on.............

for fun I put on an ultimate denim.

500x2 Touched
550x2 touched

Thanks for everyones support. Vids to come.
WEll thanks. I was really expecting to smoke the opener and go to about 630, get it and then try 655 and proabbly miss it.
roccodart440 said:
WEll thanks. I was really expecting to smoke the opener and go to about 630, get it and then try 655 and proabbly miss it.
no shame in a 605 bench lol .