My misdiagnosed injection infection in quad!!!

So I'm a NOOB to AAS with only 2 cycles of PH prior to starting my 1st Test only cycle. I 'am 34 yo 225lbs 8-9% BF and have been weight/circuit/jiu jitsu/mma training for as long as I can remember. Figured I was on the decline in regards to test levels and thought I'd give AAS a try. I'm a paramedic and have that knowledge base as far as safe med administration/sterilization techniques. That being said about 5 weeks into my cycle of 2x a wk 350 TEST E Str**$o UGL gear (legit AAS) I gave myself the routine dose in my R quad, I used proper techs alcohol swab to quad/vial only this time added an iodine swab to help sterilization. Killed legs that day drop set squats lunges just murdered um. The following day normal PIP! Slightly red bruised feeling like it should feel for a NOOB's muscles (so I read anyways lol) Day 2 red area originally size of a pencil eraser now size of softball.....squishy even more red im thinking maybe the oil leaked from the muscle into the interstitial space??? I don't massage it (also read this could make it worse) So I heat pack area reducing viscosity in hopes of helping oil to be reabsorbed into muscle.....nope day three an oval from almost my knee to almost my hip red red red sore to the touch and hot as well. So I schedule a Dr. apt assuming somehow its an infection. Dr. asks how I say b12 pin...she says ok heres your antibiotics.....great take all 10 days worth .....all while the red swollen blob travels past knee and into hip groin I'm freaked out.....I love my legs.....all 3 hehe.......back to dr. she is confused so I go over my sanitization routine and mention the 1 time addition of the iodine.......she askes did you let it dry prior to says do you have any allergies?? none that I know long story allergic to something in the iodine swab.....,..diphenhydramine shot in the lowe quad and one in d arse and walla all gone. my question is if the iodine solution is injected into circulation for imaging purposes and our bodies contain minute amounts of it naturally how could that be the culprit.....any who,,,,no more iodine for me......not the gear as I have finished the vial with no issues whatsoever........happy to have this under the rug. just thought I'd share my scare.
Wow, I was trying to figure stuff out as I was reading. I thought the iodine swab was a bit much, but didn't even think of a reaction. Makes sense though as that's a requisite question you have to ask before administration of a swab in an injection setting. She say if it was a histamine reaction or a flat out allergy to the components to the iodine mix?

Thanks for sharing, always good to shed some light on possible complications folks may encounter in this game. :)
She seemed almost as clueless as me......almost hahahaha!!! Not sure exactly what it was I'm just happy to know that I'm allergic.....I haven't been a paramedic for very long only a couple of years.....and the co. I work for takes bids on our supplies.......the iodine wipes are a new thing for us to carry so I will def be taking precautions while using them if ever.....never needed them prior as an EMT don't think I'll use them now as a medic.