My next blast in November


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Week 1- 24 Test E 750 mg per week
Week 1-24 EQ 1,000 mg per week
Week 1-24 Tren E 600 mg per week
Week 1-6 Dianabol 50 mg everyday
Week 7-16 Anavar 100 mg everyday
Week 17-24 Winstrol 100 mg everyday
Week 1-24 Arimdex 1 mg every other day

This is my plan for my next blast im almost done with my current blast then im staying on 250 mg every week of test e for 24 weeks then i will be starting the blast i plan on doing. I'm 22 6'1, 290 pounds, bodyfat around 25 to 30 im not worried about it its a working progress. Been training 8 years. Bench press 295, deadlift 466, shoulder press 197 and squat 335.
Sorry guys I was working out I just got back on I kinda lift heavy but I am doing the wendler 5/3/1 program so I do lift heavy just not always super heavyI'm working myself up more weight every month I'm only focusing on those exercises until my next blast then I will add in other exercises since i will be on lots of gear and recover faster
Do you have a previous injury or anything? I know a lot of guys who have been on the 5/3/1 program for around 2 years and their numbers have continued to climb.
Hmmmm what? I'm getting stronger every month between 5 to 10 pounds depends on the lift it's alot smarter training then injuring myself when i plan on being in my first powerlifting meet next year
What do your 8 years of experience consist of? For someone of your size, that's been training for 8 years your numbers should be a lot higher than what they are. I'm 5'9 ~185 and my numbers are pretty close to yours.
How many cycles have you ran? This is pretty heavy duty!! And Tren E @ 600 for 24 weeks!!! That sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen.

Why so much gear man?
Hmmmm what? I'm getting stronger every month between 5 to 10 pounds depends on the lift it's alot smarter training then injuring myself when i plan on being in my first powerlifting meet next year

Well, first you have quite the amount of bf. I applaud you for being honest about it, My opinion would be to dial in diet or seek professional guidance. This will by FAR have the greatest impact on 1)Your health 2)Physique 3) Strength.
So much, that I can confidently say that you will not reach your goals but also hurt yourself if you use AAS as a crutch to a poor/or half ass diet. You have time to put in; train hard, eat well, and rest. You will reach your goals.

Next the cycle you laid out is outrageous! You have 6 different compounds, Why? The only thing I would recommend to you is a low dose of testosterone to aid in muscle preservation while being in a caloric deficit(again diet being the major mover here)

8 years experience doesn't count if you weren't training. Powerlifting isn't for the faint of heart, yes be careful and train smart but to be successful your going to have to kill it in the gym. I competed for years starting in the 155lb weight class when I was 16 and my lifts weren't far off from you. I won plenty of comps, took state and never took steroids.

You would want to cut down around 200lb before considering AAS. There's really no need for them, your at a good age to do all of this naturally which will require you to do it the right way. Then go to town on AAS and become a monster
OP -- Why in the hell are you running test year round and doing crazy ass blasts like this at 22 years old,, When all your doing is lifting weights as a hobby. Your destroying your hpta and development and may now never have children and be stuck having to inject test just to survive and function as a normal man for the rest of your life for a hobby !

And it's obvious it's just a non serious hobby for you.. At your weight those lifts are very un impressive ,, so your obviously not gonna compete in power lifting,, and at your body fat your not a bodybuilder either.. Your fucking yourself up for no good reason..

It's one thing for someone who is 22 years old that has great genetics and can really make a career out of the sport to possibly take the risk and jump on gear,, weighing the risk vs reward.. ... But I gotta break it to you, that is NOT you

Get up to benching your own body weight, by 20 plus reps.. Once you get there you'll be considered somewhat strong. And progress from there.. But that cycle and you cruising on test is nuts