Bench press 295, deadlift 466, shoulder press 197 and squat 335.[/QUOTE]
When i was 22 (not long ago)
I was only 185lbs 12%bf
Benching 330
Deadlifting 310 squating the same
Shoulder pressing 85lb dumb-ells
I considered myself stong but not powerlifting strong (and i dont do a one rep set to get to lift that weight min 3reps, usually 4)
I usually do (change up from te to time) but 4 sets max 15/10/6 and if i can do more than 4 my last set i move up weight for next week (increase weight each set too obviously) and i wasnt taking tren and never done more than a 13 week cycle
So if i did one rep max i would most likely beat u in everything
Not saying this to belittle you or gloat, but i dont lift for strenggh, not nessicarly mass eith... I do it for how i look in the mirror... So if u wanna powerlift you gotta take it more serious and figure out what ur doing wrong steriods are not always the right answer
Edit: maybe its the routine... I tried the 5/3/1, i dropped my weight and built back up so i could master (better) my firm and i was unable to reach what i had before the routine... U might be not getting progressively stronger cause the form... A total of 8reps for a workout is way too low in my opinion especially if ur form is off