My next cycle on December


Hi all,

I'm in TRT since more than year now (2x125mg / week test e).

My stats are 6'1 for 90kg, less than 13% BF

I already did 2 cycles :

My 1st cycle on 8 weeks:
250mg test-e / week
300mg primo / week
40g T-bol / day

My 2nd cycle on 8 weeks :
250mg test-e / week
400mg primo / week
60g T-bol / day

Each time, I kept about 2,5 to 3kg of muscle (less than 3,5kg of total gain)

My training and my diet is on top and I was followed by a very good coach.

Now, I'm alone and I'd like to start on december my 3rd cycle which would be like this :

125mg susta E2D
200mg primo E2D
on 14 weeks
60mg T-Bol on the 8 first weeks

Exemestane 25mg and nolva 40mg ED during the cycle.

I have Tren A on shelves but I don't know if it is interesting to add something like 50mg E2D ?

What's your opinion about my cycle ?

Thanks a lot.
Welcome, or welcome back. I see you've been around since 2011.

I had to read it twice to figure out your first two cycles you stayed on the same test dosage, and added primo and tbol. That's a pretty mild approach, but it looks like you got some good keepable gains.

3rd cycle I see you are stepping up the doses a lot, and extending from 8 to 14 weeks. Both should give good results. I don't know about taking an oral for 8 weeks, might be like taking your liver out behind the woodshed to beat the shit out of it.

My only comments are around the primo, why that one? Very expensive, mild, and needs pretty high dosing. I'd be inclined to use deca or boldenone personally, but I have to claim ignorance as I've never used primo.

And why the 40 mg nolva on cycle? You have a stiff exemestane dosage already, so don't know why you would need nolva - and you are not PCT'ing, so I'd get rid of that.

Tren A, yes it would be interesting to add (of course), but that' s a massive leap. Suggest to save it for a future time.
Welcome, or welcome back. I see you've been around since 2011.

I had to read it twice to figure out your first two cycles you stayed on the same test dosage, and added primo and tbol. That's a pretty mild approach, but it looks like you got some good keepable gains.

3rd cycle I see you are stepping up the doses a lot, and extending from 8 to 14 weeks. Both should give good results. I don't know about taking an oral for 8 weeks, might be like taking your liver out behind the woodshed to beat the shit out of it.

My only comments are around the primo, why that one? Very expensive, mild, and needs pretty high dosing. I'd be inclined to use deca or boldenone personally, but I have to claim ignorance as I've never used primo.

And why the 40 mg nolva on cycle? You have a stiff exemestane dosage already, so don't know why you would need nolva - and you are not PCT'ing, so I'd get rid of that.

Tren A, yes it would be interesting to add (of course), but that' s a massive leap. Suggest to save it for a future time.

Hi and ya know that damn guy Tank always beating me to the punch :laugh3: ^^ get's it on this one. lol

SO I too welcome your post as a long time member :wavey:

Your stats are looking pretty good man and a 3rd cycle for you should go well. As tank replies Tren would be a good choice to add due to your stats and give you some more lean mass.

I have the same concerns and Q's to what I highlighted , the same Q's

Please get back with us.

PS: sorry I didn't see your goal for this cycle. It is important so to help you put the best cycle together for that Goal.
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My goals : gain as mass as possible, slowly to try to keep a max

Why do I use Nolva during the cycle ? To fight gyno ! I used to take 25mg of exemestane but gyno has appeared after 3 weeks. Tried arimidex unsuccessfuly.
Gyno stopped to increase once I used Nolva. I continued Nolva 3 weeks after the cycle and gyno has completely disappear. I don't know if exemestane if usefull finally.... Maybe only nolva.

If I'd use Tren A, I'd do :
125mg susta E2D
200mg primo E2D
on 14 weeks
60mg T-Bol
50mg or 75mg Tren-A E2D
on the 8 first weeks

And of course, no PCT because I'm in TRT. That's said, I used to take Clomid, nolva and HCG a few weeks after each cycle. It was an advice from my old coach
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Ok, I understand the nolvadex for gyno. Sounds like you took 25 mg/day before when you were on 250 mg/wk Test E during your first two cycles (or maybe you take it all the time since 250 is also your TRT dose?).

I would seriously advise you to stay away from Tren this time. You are proposing to increase your test dose from 250 to 437.5 mg/wk and use the same exemestane and nolva dosage. You would be better off taking this cycle as an opportunity to calibrate your AI dose for this higher test without having Tren in the mix - since letting your estrogen run away on Tren can cause weird gyno type symptoms or ED.
Ok, I understand the nolvadex for gyno. Sounds like you took 25 mg/day before when you were on 250 mg/wk Test E during your first two cycles (or maybe you take it all the time since 250 is also your TRT dose?).

I would seriously advise you to stay away from Tren this time. You are proposing to increase your test dose from 250 to 437.5 mg/wk and use the same exemestane and nolva dosage. You would be better off taking this cycle as an opportunity to calibrate your AI dose for this higher test without having Tren in the mix - since letting your estrogen run away on Tren can cause weird gyno type symptoms or ED.

I'd like your answer, thanks.

I was hesitating with Tren this time. I think I'm too beginner for that product. I will try another time.

With only 250mg/week, I don't need any AI (such as exemestane). I need it when I added Primo and T-bol (even if this last one doesn't aromatize. Strange because Primo is very very weak and doesn't aromatize either I believe ??)

For this next cycle, I will do the following :
125mg susta E2D
200mg primo E2D
on 14 weeks
60mg T-Bol on the 6/8 first weeks
To OP:
Your 1st 2 Cycles didn't make much sense, being they were only 8 Weeks.
And you were using Test E, that has a Half-Life of 10.5 Days.
It takes any Hormone between 4 to 5 Half-Lives to Reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels.
Otherwise known as "Steady State", where Hormone Levels Rise and Fall within a 2-Fold Window.
This is when you make the most Gains, when you reach "Steady State".

With this latest Cycle, I would Drop the Primo, for EQ.
Primo is a Cosmetic Drug, and if your Body Fat% isn't low, you won't see much from it.
It's used by BB-ers to add some Quality Muscle when they are in Contest Prep.

EQ on the other hand, will give you some Nice Lean Gains.
Together with the Tbol, another good choice for Lean Gains, they will work well together.

If you are using Test E for your TRT, why switch to Sust............................... JP
I don't like the use of Nolvadex throughout an entire Cycle.
As it Suppresses IGF-1.
And this has been proven in Clinical Studies.

These 1st 2 Cycles, were you already on TRT, if so, then it's more Blast and C R U I S E.
Then a Cycle, and I can see why just 8 Weeks.
But you aren't clear about that in your post.
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To OP:
Your 1st 2 Cycles didn't make much sense, being they were only 8 Weeks.
And you were using Test E, that has a Half-Life of 10.5 Days.
It takes any Hormone between 4 to 5 Half-Lives to Reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels.
Otherwise known as "Steady State", where Hormone Levels Rise and Fall within a 2-Fold Window.
This is when you make the most Gains, when you reach "Steady State".

With this latest Cycle, I would Drop the Primo, for EQ.
Primo is a Cosmetic Drug, and if your Body Fat% isn't low, you won't see much from it.
It's used by BB-ers to add some Quality Muscle when they are in Contest Prep.

EQ on the other hand, will give you some Nice Lean Gains.
Together with the Tbol, another good choice for Lean Gains, they will work well together.

If you are using Test E for your TRT, why switch to Sust............................... JP
I don't like the use of Nolvadex throughout an entire Cycle.
As it Suppresses IGF-1.
And this has been proven in Clinical Studies.

These 1st 2 Cycles, were you already on TRT, if so, then it's more Blast and C R U I S E.
Then a Cycle, and I can see why just 8 Weeks.
But you aren't clear about that in your post.

I have several (a lot of :) ) bottles of primo and Susta that's why I chosen it.
That's said, I could be use EQ instead of it. What dosage do you advice if I keep 125mg EOD of susta or Test-e (I have one in sufficient quantity) ?

Ok, I understand the nolvadex for gyno. Sounds like you took 25 mg/day before when you were on 250 mg/wk Test E during your first two cycles (or maybe you take it all the time since 250 is also your TRT dose?).

I would seriously advise you to stay away from Tren this time. You are proposing to increase your test dose from 250 to 437.5 mg/wk and use the same exemestane and nolva dosage. You would be better off taking this cycle as an opportunity to calibrate your AI dose for this higher test without having Tren in the mix - since letting your estrogen run away on Tren can cause weird gyno type symptoms or ED.

This ^^^

To OP:
Your 1st 2 Cycles didn't make much sense, being they were only 8 Weeks.
And you were using Test E, that has a Half-Life of 10.5 Days.
It takes any Hormone between 4 to 5 Half-Lives to Reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels.
Otherwise known as "Steady State", where Hormone Levels Rise and Fall within a 2-Fold Window.
This is when you make the most Gains, when you reach "Steady State".

With this latest Cycle, I would Drop the Primo, for EQ.
Primo is a Cosmetic Drug, and if your Body Fat% isn't low, you won't see much from it.
It's used by BB-ers to add some Quality Muscle when they are in Contest Prep.

EQ on the other hand, will give you some Nice Lean Gains.
Together with the Tbol, another good choice for Lean Gains, they will work well together.

If you are using Test E for your TRT, why switch to Sust............................... JP
I don't like the use of Nolvadex throughout an entire Cycle.
As it Suppresses IGF-1.
And this has been proven in Clinical Studies.

These 1st 2 Cycles, were you already on TRT, if so, then it's more Blast and C R U I S E.
Then a Cycle, and I can see why just 8 Weeks.
But you aren't clear about that in your post.

OP listen I have nothing to add here. Both of the two posts I copied ^^ above are spot on with what they say and suggest.

Don't do Tren yet. I don't think you are ready. Also I don't care for the Nolva for entire cycle. You should be able to dial in / with BW, your AI. It is so easy to crash E2 and that is the pits of hell. LOL but it is... so I like the proposal above.

Good luck and make sure you stick with us. Lay it out in outline form week thru week so we can help critique the final, Please.
I have several (a lot of :) ) bottles of primo and Susta that's why I chosen it.
That's said, I could be use EQ instead of it. What dosage do you advice if I keep 125mg EOD of susta or Test-e (I have one in sufficient quantity) ?


With Test E, you only need Twice a Week Injections, for Stable Hormone Levels.

Sustanon was invented for TRT, cause of the longer Half-Life and blend of 4 Tests.
So it was really meant for Once a Week Injections, it could be done twice a week.

But if you have a Choice, go with the Test E, and I would increase the dose to 250 Mg, Twice a week.
For EQ, you want to do a Minimum of 400 Mg a Week, so 200 Mg, Twice a Week, with the Test E............... JP
I personally like 600 Mg a week.
But 400 Mg, will be fine for your 1st use of EQ.

Save that Primo, for when your Body Fat is under 10% !
The Lower the Better, but at least 10%.
With Test E, you only need Twice a Week Injections, for Stable Hormone Levels.

Sustanon was invented for TRT, cause of the longer Half-Life and blend of 4 Tests.
So it was really meant for Once a Week Injections, it could be done twice a week.

But if you have a Choice, go with the Test E, and I would increase the dose to 250 Mg, Twice a week.
For EQ, you want to do a Minimum of 400 Mg a Week, so 200 Mg, Twice a Week, with the Test E............... JP
I personally like 600 Mg a week.
But 400 Mg, will be fine for your 1st use of EQ.

Save that Primo, for when your Body Fat is under 10% !
The Lower the Better, but at least 10%.

So I could do 2x250mg Test-E and 2x200mg or 2x300mg EQ.
What about the duration of the cycle ? 8, 12 ,14 weeks, maybe more ???

Ok, fine for primo. I have to really cut after this cycle.

Is there any troubles about bloat with this kind of cycle ? I know that I stay lean with test+primo but test+EQ ???
I don't want to bulk, just want to gain mass in staying lean (don't want any water bloating)
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Your first cycle you took 250 test + 300 primo + 7 * 40 tbol = 830 mg/wk, second cycle was 1,070 mg/wk.

With what JP proposed 500 test e + 600 eq you would be at 1,100 mg/wk again. I would suggest you bump your duration out to 14 or 16 weeks, vs 8 before. The combination of effective drugs & doses, and longer duration should be very nice. 25 mg/day exemestane is more than enough for this, and you won't bloat.
You certainly can if you want, it would get you up on the blood level curve much faster.

With boldenone's really long 15 day half life you can triple up the first shot and double the second, then carry on as normal - assuming 2x per week pinning. Only issue is volume 3 x 300 mg is 3ml at 300 mg/ml (or yours might be 250 mg/ml which is even worse).

For test E at 10 days half life just double up the first two.
Thanks guys ! Very good advices, highly appreciated.

Do I need to frontload EQ for the 1st week ?

I usually will run EQ for 16 to 20 Weeks without a Frontload.

If you want to Frontload, lets say you go with 400 Mg a week, or 200 Mg every 3 days.
The 1st Day you would do ~ 400 Mg.
Day 2, you would do 200 Mg.
Take a day off.
Then on Day 4 you do 200 Mg, and every 3 days afterward.
So you have basically Doubled your Weekly amount within the 1st ~ 4 Days........................ JP
There's actually a site, where you could punch in the Compounds/Doses/Frequency.
And get a Graph of the amount of Hormone released and when.
This will show you how soon you reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels.

Steroidcalc dot com