Says "masteron prop" above. I was confused so you are doing it three days a week. oops and Awesome.
If it's that low. I would do both the winstrols also.
Let me know how this low doses go. I am very interested in the results and doing something similar later "less than a year"
At first I was planning to run 400-500mg testo and 350mg masteron but anon44 said I should lower both test and masteron to let all the compounds get a time "to shine" so to speak.
And it does sound logical to lower it a bit when running 4 compounds at once.
My goal is cutting for this cycle, its my first real attempt at a real cutting cycle

I'm about 71kg and ~11-12% body fat now and my goal (which I won't reach this cycle...) is 75kg and 8% bodyfat.
I don't wanna go over that weight as I prefer the classic physique rather than the classic arnold/bodybuilding look.
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