My next step Cycle(s) any advice would be awesome


New member
Hi all. I have run 3 cycles thus far my last 2 being
tren ace/sustanon 10 weeks
then I ran tren ace/prop 6 weeks iontroduced masteron and winny till the end
pct then peptides to accommodate
I will say I am stronger now off than i was on, Kept most of my gains BUT recently fell Ill and ran into a stress brick wall but I have been focused for the most part, Went up to 210 6'0 8%
My lifts are all up aside from my tbar row which is down 50 lbs since im off but everything else up
I would like to go back on tren ace and sus 250
then i was thinking prop and masteron and possibly clen
PCT Help would be appreciated, I ran clomid and nolva peptides last time, worked great clomid headaches ugh
Ideally i would like to be 205ish 6% for my next shoot and supplement company evaluation I have coming up
I started out 170 my first cylce last year this time
PCT never changes bro. It just gets longer depending on how harsh the cycle was on your hpta. clomid/nolva for 4-6 weeks. You can add peps if you'd like for the extra benefits. I rec igf-1lr3 on pct because it helps keep you anabolic. Don't forget to eat!
So what are you asking ? Just pct advice ? Exactly what the above just said. Also you should run hcg from start of your cycle up until a few days before you start your pct. this will help,you recover faster.
So what are you asking ? Just pct advice ? Exactly what the above just said. Also you should run hcg from start of your cycle up until a few days before you start your pct. this will help,you recover faster.

Along with what jozifp is saying... I would run hCG for sure!

I personally run hCG AT 500iu's twice a week - 5 weeks on - 1 week off... repeat.

For me, HCG is always in the foundation of every cycle along with testosterone.
Along with what jozifp is saying... I would run hCG for sure!

I personally run hCG AT 500iu's twice a week - 5 weeks on - 1 week off... repeat.

For me, HCG is always in the foundation of every cycle along with testosterone.

Thank you all!

So it looks like i will be running sus/tren then go into prop mast and maybe clen(i read alot of things I dont like about clen) should i possibly stay on tren? I was also told my my old trainer, I should run deca test e and masteron instead, I am kind of on the fence,
I will get the HCG for sure though, when do I begin the HCG also should i transition into prop mast right after the tren /sus or am I pushing it? I have plenty of time to be ready for a few really big photo shoots and a sup company but I want to do this right, I have really good genetics, im going for the lean/full look, I have a build similar to lazar if that helps
If your on tren you don't need clen. Some advice, keep it simple. Everybody reacts differently to different cycles. You can run the same cycle as Arnold and you still won't have the same body as him. Steady and slow wins the race my friend.