Hi all. I have run 3 cycles thus far my last 2 being
tren ace/sustanon 10 weeks
then I ran tren ace/prop 6 weeks iontroduced masteron and winny till the end
pct then peptides to accommodate
I will say I am stronger now off than i was on, Kept most of my gains BUT recently fell Ill and ran into a stress brick wall but I have been focused for the most part, Went up to 210 6'0 8%
My lifts are all up aside from my tbar row which is down 50 lbs since im off but everything else up
I would like to go back on tren ace and sus 250
then i was thinking prop and masteron and possibly clen
PCT Help would be appreciated, I ran clomid and nolva peptides last time, worked great clomid headaches ugh
Ideally i would like to be 205ish 6% for my next shoot and supplement company evaluation I have coming up
I started out 170 my first cylce last year this time
tren ace/sustanon 10 weeks
then I ran tren ace/prop 6 weeks iontroduced masteron and winny till the end
pct then peptides to accommodate
I will say I am stronger now off than i was on, Kept most of my gains BUT recently fell Ill and ran into a stress brick wall but I have been focused for the most part, Went up to 210 6'0 8%
My lifts are all up aside from my tbar row which is down 50 lbs since im off but everything else up
I would like to go back on tren ace and sus 250
then i was thinking prop and masteron and possibly clen
PCT Help would be appreciated, I ran clomid and nolva peptides last time, worked great clomid headaches ugh
Ideally i would like to be 205ish 6% for my next shoot and supplement company evaluation I have coming up
I started out 170 my first cylce last year this time