My "off-season" gains cycle ;)


New member
Weight: 205lbs
*Nationally qualified physique competitor* no I'm not gay and yes I train legs :laugh:

Previous cycle
test E 250mg/week

test e 750mg/week
eq 600mg/week
dbol pre workout

pre contest*

test prop 100mg/eod
tren ace 100mg/eod
that led to test and tren ED

currently cruising on 200mg test prop/week and 3iuGH/ED

NEW Cycle
Test E 1,000mg/week x12 weeks
EQ 600mg/week x 12 weeks
Andadrol 50-100/ED x4 weeks (depending on sides)
HGH 5iu/ED Monday-Friday *I have blue top and ripitropin*
AI as needed

Other supps:
animal pak
bcaa twice a day
glutamine three times a day (morning, post, before bed)
carnitine morning and night
vitamin c 3,000mg a day
ON fitness fiber morning and night
whey protein 4.5 scoops a day
Fish oils
oh yeah and liver support ;)

I've had experience with all the compounds I'll be running, but the last drol I was under dosed. I absolutely love EQ (probably my favorite compound) because of the vascularity and hunger sides. I've ran a kit of growth before, but I was ignorant and only did a month, but now I have access to blue and ripitropin. I'm sleeping great on growth and loving it so far.

I would love to hear some professional opinions and or constructive criticism. I don't really plan on changing this up at all, but would love if someone could add any advice.