My OSTA Log: I've never used anything before


New member

The only workout supplement I've used in the past is NoExplode; nothing else. I just received OSTA-SARM today, and I'll be keeping a log of my strength and weight. Enjoy!

Starting Stats:
Bench: 275lbs x 5
Deadlift: 405 x 6

Day 1:
12.5mg in the afternoon. Tastes like airplane glue. No gym today
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Day 2:
12.5mg at noon. No gym

Day 3:
12.5mg at 7am.
Did shoulders today.
Military Press 185 x 2 (Personal best; My previous PB was last week when I did 175lbs x 2)
***It should be noted that I did not seriously train my shoulders until recently, so I expect large gains in my military press unrelated to Osta.
I did not notice any additional energy or "pumps"
Day 4
12.5mg at 8am
12.5mg at 5pm.
Gym at 5:30pm
Did back today
Deadlift (Touch and Go) 295lbs x17, x14, x10
Two weeks ago I did 275lbs for 15 reps
I felt like I had lots of energy for my first set of deadlifts, but that could be a placebo effect
Day 5:
  • 25mL at 5pm
  • No gym
  • Back and legs still sore from deadlifts the previous day

Day 6:
  • 25mL at 6pm
  • No gym
  • Back and Legs still sore from deadlifts

Day 7:
  • 25ml at 8:00am
  • Gym at 8:30am
  • Did chest today
  • Bench 285lbs x 3
  • Back and legs are still sore from deadlifts three days prior
  • No extra energy or pumps
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Day 8
  • No Osta
  • Went rock climbing.
  • Nothing interesting to report

Day 9
  • 17.5ml at 5pm
  • No gym

Day 10
  • 12.5ml at 8:00am
  • Gym at 8:30am
  • Did shoulders today
  • Failed military press at 195lbs
  • I had little energy today, despite getting adequate sleep.

I expect to see osta "kicking in" within the next week or two

Why are you varying your dosages? 12.5 then 17 then 25 then back to 12.5? Just curious b/c I'm planning on trying it for my PCT.
Why are you varying your dosages? 12.5 then 17 then 25 then back to 12.5? Just curious b/c I'm planning on trying it for my PCT.

I plan on taking 12.5ml from this point on. I just wanted to try other doses to see if I noticed anything different and to potential reach a steady state more quickly. However, I am completely unaware of the pharmokinetics of osta, so that steady state thing is just magical thinking on my part.
Gains, Sides

What week are you on and how many gains have you seen? Any weight gain? Any sides? Sleeping trouble? Are you taking tabs or liquid?
I plan on taking 12.5ml from this point on. I just wanted to try other doses to see if I noticed anything different and to potential reach a steady state more quickly. However, I am completely unaware of the pharmokinetics of osta, so that steady state thing is just magical thinking on my part.

You mean mg, not mL. At 50 mg/mL, 0.25 mL = 12.5 g.

It has been said that the half life is about 24 hours. Thus, at a constant dose you should reach a steady state in roughly a week's time.