My Osta, T3, Clen, S4 cutting stack(uniquemicals and precisionpeptides)


New member
Ok gas is $4+ a gallon and my college cost $15k a semester just to live in the other words I AM BROKE!

So my plan was to find the cheapest and best stuff possible and run them :)

I came across uniquemicals and I had seen couple of logs on their stuff and their NMR reading looked legit plus they got 180 days money back guaranteed and there cheap as hell.
I've been running the osta for 3-4 weeks now but I got some S4 on the way and might get some osta after I ran out of osta.

Then there is Precision peptides and yes I've read about them. A lot of people said that their customer serves sucks and that their stuff are fake but from what I've been using their stuff seems to be legit and they got very good customer serves IMO.

I'm 6" been working for two year total and get 300g of protein a day, 40g of fat, and maybe 10-20g of carbs. I workout 5 times a week and do 30-45 minutes of cardio post workout.

Clen-120mcg in the morning on an empty stomack

T3-75mcg on an empty stomach first thing in the morning

Osta-25mg first in the morning on an empty stomach(loaded first week for 50mg)

S4-75mg 5 days on 2 days off. Same as others.
I will keep an eye on this. Whats your long term goals with this?

Thank you for following bud!

trying to cut to 6% BF is a long term goal but If I hit 8-9% BF with this I would be happy. Then maybe I'll add some peptides like ipa, hgh fragment, and maybe cjc1295.
Thank you for following bud!

trying to cut to 6% BF is a long term goal but If I hit 8-9% BF with this I would be happy. Then maybe I'll add some peptides like ipa, hgh fragment, and maybe cjc1295.

Sounds good. I am going through a recovery process and will be using GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 soon myself.
Sounds good. I am going through a recovery process and will be using GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 soon myself.

I've been studying those lately :) are you going cutting or anything? If so ipamorelin would be better cause it won't stimulate your ghrelin and effects your cortisol and Prolactin but ipamorelin doesn't or doesn't as much. Just my 2 cent :D

Ok fat loss is coming along great but I'm holding water due to my BP being so high so I don't look as lean :/ but in couple of weeks I should be able to lower my BP and lose couple more lbs of fat. Strength has stayed up and I've been killing it. I haven't lost any strength yet so lets hope this keeps going and I have only lost a little size but not that much.

Other than that life is good and nothing else. I graduated last night so I did have a cheat meal which included 22oz of steak from Texas Road House, potato(loaded), salad, cake, and ice cream...yeah I know I'm not proud of myself.

Ok this cutting stack is AMAZING! S4 and Osta are a great combo, especially S4. However, I'm cycling T3 and Clen. I cycle Clen every 18 days for 2 weeks off and same with T3. The reason I'm doing that is because T3 is strong, very strong, and its effects are very strong. Clen does have a little anabolic effect so I would definitely stack it with with something to prevents it's catabolic effects or at least dose it very low.

I might just start T3 again tomorrow but only 25mg and when I go back on clen bump it up to 50.

Yesterday I had a HUGE cheat meal after the bodybuilding competition I attended and hadn't gained a single pound, thank god, and I believe that S4 is extremely helping me. At the moment is one of my favorite stuff. Tomorrow is back so day so I'm going to do a 25/25/25 protocol. Morning, pre-workout, and before bed.
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