My pct with peptide or sarm


New member
I'm ending my cycle of 8 weeks
bw 88kg
bf 11%

1-8 test ena 500mg
1-8 tren ena 200mg

bw 95kg

11-15 tamo 20mg

I would like to include peptides in the eight weeks off to avoid losing the gains.
I thought about it peg mgf for 8 weeks

peg mgf alone is it enough to keep your gains up to the next cycle?

I also thought of the rad 140

I'm confused, I do not want to lose what I earned.

This is an interesting post. I've got some feedback and a couple of questions for you.

Assuming you inject 2x per week at the doses you listed, using 10 day half life for enanthate, your blood levels look like this. Yellow line is test, blue is tren, black is both added together.

View attachment 566977

I showed on there taking your last shot mid week 8, and starting PCT week 11. The red line is roughly what your natural test level looks like, assuming your body is making about 10 mg/day. Blood levels above that line you are suppressed, below it your HPTA should start to signal to make test again.

You drop below that line week 12-1/2. So probably the nolva you took week 11 up to 12-1/2 won't do anything for you. People use clomid along with the nolva, and use a higher dose of clomid that first week or two to combat being still supraphysiological.

So, will your PCT work with only nolva and low 20mg/day dose? Don't know. You would increase your odds by adding clomid at 100/50/50/50/50, and using nolva 40/40/40/20/20.

And now questions - are you taking any AI along with your AAS? If you let estrogen run away when you've got tren in your system it will boost your prolactin, and you might find your nipples leaking and your dick floppy. Can also cause gyno.

Regarding the SARMS? I've go no idea. Seems like the best way to keep gains would be to run a long ester cycle longer than 8 weeks (something like 12), use an AI during the cycle, and increase the odds of your PCT working by using both clomid and nolva. You can also boost the odds in your favor by taking HCG during the cycle and in the gap before PCT.
I agree with Tankman.
An 8 Week Cycle with a Long Ester isn't getting the Full Effect.
It takes any Hormone between 4 to 5 Half-lives to reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels.

The Enanthate Ester has a Half-life of 10.5 Days.
So in a Perfect World, you'll reach Peak during Week 5, that leaves only 3 Weeks for Optimum Levels.
Increase to 10 to 12 Weeks, I like 12 Weeks.

I don't see any AI listed, and your PCT could be improved.................................. JP
As far as the PEG-MGF, I haven't seen any Good Peptides in a few years.
So don't know if it's going to do anything for you.

Have read some good things about RAD-140, but you need a Good Supplier.
Thank you for the reply Tankman and jp4355.

I have never used one ai. Other people would have problems with estrogen. It never happened to me.

I will listen to your advice to improve the pct.
I'll add clomid

I consider a cycle of eight weeks a long cycle. With twelve weeks I'm afraid I have problems restoring my testosterone, but I'm thinking about the next cycle (12 weeks with test and boldenone)

Now for the next eight weeks I would like to see if the peptides succeed in letting me lose mass and strength gains.

No advice for peptides?