My performance enhancement thread


New member
Hi all,

Thought id start a new thread on my cycle i started a week ago. I've taken it back to basics as i started running some cocktail cycles recently and experienced some bunk gear so without going into much detail here's the log for my new cycle. I'm a competitive kickboxer so running tren in the past really impacted my cardio so im looking to make some good muscle gains but at the same time actually increase my Strength, speed , agility etc not too bothered by going up in weight classes as i already fight in the heaviest.

750mg Test E per week ( test 250 mon wed fri) for 12 weeks.
Anavar @ 40mg per day (not sure how many weeks to run it) first time using this.
aromasin on hand.
Nolva and clomid for pct.

25 yrs old
mon wed fri gym split
tues thurs sat kickboxing

from the last week of taking anavar my strength has increased quite rapidly. I switched it from hypertrophy training to pure strength low reps training but im thinking of upping it to more endurance based strength training as i think this would better impact my fighting yet i dont want to hinder the potential of muscular gains. The people i usually fight are quite slower than me but often much taller so im hoping to have the edge in terms of speed and power.

thoughts on this?
Forgot to add. Current diet is around 4000cals (maintainence is 3300 according to my calculations) looking at a 40/40/20 split. quick look at diet:

Breakfast: weetabix with milk + oats and protein shake blend

mid morning meal : Chicken breast + 2 wholemeal wraps

lunch : Chicken breast + 2 wholemeal wraps

Pre workout: banana + pre workout drink

post workout: 2x rice cakes w/ peanut butter. Protein shake

dinner: grilled haddock with white rice + veg

Pre bed : casein shake
Looks interesting, stupid question time from me. Is it better to have more fat or less fat when your a competing kickboxer?
U should do a better breakfast. At least drop the pro shakes and eitherror eat eggs or Greek yogurt....
Onever step further, drop the weetabix and do a cup of whole oats.
UPDATE: Sorry been really busy with work. Workouts are improving, strength is increasing, I gained 2kg in 2 weeks but i think it was down to the anavar as im off it now and the weight is back down to what it was before. Upped my calories now to 4000 a day. Ive noticed a pea size lump has formed behind my right nipple; i had this occur on my last cycle but got rid of the tenderness and size with some arimidex, tried arimidex with no results. tried aromasin @ 12.5mg EOD and that hasnt helped as its still tender to touch. Any ideas?