My pics after a lean bulk


New member
5'10ish maybe 11
18.5 inch arms

I started my cycle at 238 but i lost a decent amount of fat during the cycle while keeping my arms the same size. My pants that once were slightly tight are now falling off my butt. These pics are two weeks post cycle as well.

The cycle consisted of superdrol for 20mg's, while post cycle therapy (pct) is consisting of anabolic xtreme's post cycle therapy (pct) and RETAIN for 3 weeks.

I will try to post my before pics sometime
Before pics

In these pics i was 248 and on my 2nd last day of a superdrol/max lmg/4ad stack of four weeks. My arms topped out at 18.5 and shrunk a little post cycle. I lost a few pounds during post cycle as well then started to moderately cut before the beginning of my other cycle and got down to 238.
looking good

do you not have any legs? i cant tell in the pics but maybe u lost them in a accident.
Superdrol is a great compound so long as you have ur diet and working out in check as with any steroid. It isn't that androgenic so those type of sides aren't gonna happen usually. I did, however, experience sleep difficulty and a hard time eating. I have used it before in bulks and made great gains. I used it this time as a body-recomp/cut/lean bulk and im happy with the results. It is a cheap compound and is still legal which is a big plus
93black5.0 said:
Superdrol is a great compound so long as you have ur diet and working out in check as with any steroid. It isn't that androgenic so those type of sides aren't gonna happen usually. I did, however, experience sleep difficulty and a hard time eating. I have used it before in bulks and made great gains. I used it this time as a body-recomp/cut/lean bulk and im happy with the results. It is a cheap compound and is still legal which is a big plus

thanks for your opinion sir, I will be trying this stuff out in a couple weeks