My pics - Im I ready to cycle?

i'd be a hypocrite if i told you that you needed to gain more weight before using gear.

i do suggest you do TONS of homework before even thinking about it. if you have to ask what kind of gear to use on a first cycle, you haven't even begun to read.

read the '300mg first cycle' sticky. understand the side effects and what to do if you start to see them. have your ancilliaries ready BEFORE you see the side effects. understand PCT. if your diet isn't correct, don't bother with steroids. you'll be throwing away time and money on small gains at the expense of side effects.

shit, i just noticed you're 20 years old. nevermind. wait 2 or 3 years. then cycle. by that time you'll have all the info you need and be in good shape.
mabusincarnate said:
i'd be a hypocrite if i told you that you needed to gain more weight before using gear.

i do suggest you do TONS of homework before even thinking about it. if you have to ask what kind of gear to use on a first cycle, you haven't even begun to read.

read the '300mg first cycle' sticky. understand the side effects and what to do if you start to see them. have your ancilliaries ready BEFORE you see the side effects. understand PCT. if your diet isn't correct, don't bother with steroids. you'll be throwing away time and money on small gains at the expense of side effects.

shit, i just noticed you're 20 years old. nevermind. wait 2 or 3 years. then cycle. by that time you'll have all the info you need and be in good shape.

Good advice! You are pretty young to be starting gear. If you want to gain some mass then eat, eat, eat!!!

How long you been lifting anyways?
Yup, read, ask questions, and make sure it's what you want. Once you start training with gear, it's hard to go back....You are an adult, so just make an informed decision based on as much knowledge as you can collect.
i agree ith everyone. Even though u may not like it your just too young and dont have the knowledge of what your about to get yourself into. To come out and ask the question on this board shows that you have spent the time researching it. Start with using the search button up the top of the page....there is a shit load of info out there.

Youve got a long way to go and need to realise that this is a life long goal. It involves years and years of hard hours in the gym and even more dedication at home and in the kitchen....most of us will never achieve the body we want. Be patient bro...if u build it they will come LOL

well, I been working out for about 2,5 years....

I did some research... I know you guys would suggest a Test cycle (enan or prop) for 10 weeks.
I did research about post cycle therapy (pct) , novaldex, tamox , arimidex etc..

I was on cutting. but now I 'd like to put on some mass, maybe 10 kg and after cutting again.

Do you guys think I dont have enough mass to cycle??? not enought stat?
jonny358 said:

well, I been working out for about 2,5 years....

I did some research... I know you guys would suggest a Test cycle (enan or prop) for 10 weeks.
I did research about post cycle therapy (pct) , novaldex, tamox , arimidex etc..

I was on cutting. but now I 'd like to put on some mass, maybe 10 kg and after cutting again.

Do you guys think I dont have enough mass to cycle??? not enought stat?
Post your typical diet.
people around here usually think a guy should be really close to his natural maximum mass before using steroids to get you to the next level. i used steroids to make me bigger faster even though i wasn't at my max yet. that's looked down upon because you are less likely to have the experience needed to prevent injury, understand how your body reacts to certain exercise, understand diet, etc. now that i've done a couple of cycles while under my max, i agree with them. it is good advice. i hurt my rotator cuff because my bench press increased too fast. i had to take it easy for a while to recover and i lost some potential gains.

there plenty of socially acceptable behaviors that are much worse than steroids but you can still stand to wait a while before using.