my pics...

not bad for a PLer. I love the name of the first pic. should have been "me huge in front of deodorant". just messing with ya bro.

post some Pler stats when you get a chance.
I actually have a mixed training...back is usually more powerlifting...squat/bench less so...esp bench due to old shoulder injury...i switched to dynamic training mixed with strength training, sometimes in same workouts
i got a big back, that's my best body part....i was being lazy with my legs for a long now I need to cut down on the big disparity between squat/deadlift
You look good, but realistically your not 6-7%bf. I would be suprised if it was lower then 11%........that's were I'd put it. Definitly not sub 10% though. Solid physique though....exspecially for the age. Just for a perspective.......some pro BB'rs come in on stage at 6%..........and I'm sure you can see the diff.
I was measured by a personal trainer with a hand body fat calipers, and it gave a reading between 6-7%....with +/- 1% error i think....and no...most bodybuilders are around 2-3% body fat when they step on the stage....they are shredded...for example for his movie Rocky....stallone was 3%body fat....and no i am most definetely under 10%...
Legit 7% - And like he already stated most will step on stage around 3-4%. He'll just seeing the outline of your abs is typically right around 10% on most individuals
I agree, if you can see your abs you are at 10 or below depending on the ab development of the person, but I would agree with 7%. BTW, looking good bro.
Hope to post some new pics soon...Thanks for the love guys...My legs are getting more proportional with the rest of the body....still lagging but getting better....I upped my squat to around 430....but I know I can do more....and gained like abs got stronger but I might have lost some of the definition....
Not too shabby at all mate..Looking sharp..You kinda look like an Irish thug or something..Digging the pose in the shop isle.