My pics


Lift, eat, sleep and grow
Ok I'm scared to death that you guys are going to shit all over these so please go easy. I know I don't look as good as many of you so posting these pics is really hard to do. My story is I was inactive literally for 7 years. This is how a body can go to shit real fast. I ate like shit and felt like shit. One day about a year and a half ago I was looking back at pics of me on the beach when I was 25 and man I looked good. It was then that I realized that I didn't want to look like shit anymore or ever again. I am now 39 and in the best shape I've ever been in. I have run mild cycles in the past (10 yrs ago) test cyp, test w/deca, etc.

Well following advice from this board, I got my training and diet down before starting my last cycle of test, deca and Winstrol (winny). I think I could have gained much more naturally over time but approaching my 40th birthday in June I don't feel time is on my side and with declining test levels (i got my blood labs beforehand) I thought it prudent to get moving with a boost.
My gut is still there as you will see in the after photos but I would LOVE some constructive critiquing. Don't patronize me but don't kill me either please. I am ready to start my next cycle of test, tren and Winstrol (winny). Have never run tren but I hear its great at leaning and hardening. I also want to mention that these photos are not taken post workout. They were taken at 8:30 a.m. at my Doc's office. Some guys show and some guys grow right? I will post after workout pics later but this is how I look flat. Can you please guestimate my BF% as well? Had it tested by caliper and I was told 14%. I think it's higher. Thanks Bros. whew...Here goes...
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thanks for posting pics. i would say around 17-19 too. that is probably pretty close guess.

jimmy you have come a long way bro. keep it up. i think you will look really good when you shed the excess bf and gain a little more muscle. good job. you should be proud of your progress.

let's see the wheels.
tman55 said:
thanks for posting pics. i would say around 17-19 too. that is probably pretty close guess.

jimmy you have come a long way bro. keep it up. i think you will look really good when you shed the excess bf and gain a little more muscle. good job. you should be proud of your progress.

let's see the wheels.

Thanks T-man. That is motivating to hear. I feel I have a long way to go. I know I will get there though as I am dedicated. Changed my whole lifestyle during this. I realize that I didn't get that way overnight and I won't look great overnight either. What is amazing is coimpared to you guys I look very average but compared to my married friends I look like a god. They are so fucking poorly out of shape. I needed this reality check. Thanks again
drk_diggler said:
you definately look good bro... keep working hard....

Thanks Drk
I know I have a lot of work to do still but wanted to put myself out there a bit to deepen the committment to getting better. I've spent a great deal of time re-shaping and re-distributing weight. I believe I have the base to build on now. Appreciate your comments
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how much better does you sex drive feel on test, just outa cursiosity lol. i bet thats another plus compared to the other husbands. also outa curiosity what did ur test levels check out as before u started juicing again.?

good work, u must feel so much better now. being in shape makes u feel so much better than pizza tastes lol.
youve done great things...its not about how you look...its about how hard your worked to get the results, that builds onto your character, and how long you stuck it through! next time you go to your friends houses and go in the spa or go swimming, just remember that their wives are lookin at you and wish that their husbands looked like you!
rookie03 said:
youve done great things...its not about how you look...its about how hard your worked to get the results, that builds onto your character, and how long you stuck it through! next time you go to your friends houses and go in the spa or go swimming, just remember that their wives are lookin at you and wish that their husbands looked like you!

Dude you are so right about that. They've made comments to the point that the other guys now try to avoid "shirt off" activities around me. What upsets me is only one of my friends have said..."you look good Jim". I am very critical of myself and when I look in the mirror I don't see it but compared to them I know I look better. And you are right, I feel great that I didn't give in to temptations and justify eating ice cream and other shitty things. My wife was like "please relax on the diet" And I was always like "babe, this is the way it is the rest of the way, there is no diet". It's a lifestyle. Thanks for those motivating comments.
yea bro you got it...haha my girlfriend hates, i mean hates my diet...every time i start to relax and lay down or something...their goes 2 hours i gotta get up and cook or eat... but its a way of life, and i cant imagine not doing it....eating three meals a day and working out twice a week isnt even a thought in my head...i tell my girl this is how its gonna be for the rest of my life, and it will be...but serriously your bf is only 16 %, whats your diet and training look like?
Eat 6 times a day. I actually did this a bit unorthodox. I woke up at 5:15, packed my bag, grabbed food for the day but went to the gym on an empty stomach. I worked out that way starting at 6 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and then did cardio from 7:15 to 8:00 five days a week. then I'd shower and grab a whey, water and high GI carb shake but the GI was achieved with fresh bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc. not syrups.
Eat every two to three hours at the office. Filled in with MRPs when I had to (keep a shaker cup and a drawer full of shakes in the office). I'd make my food for the week on Sunday night (I love flank steak but I'd alternate between that and chicken/fish). Brown rice or 100% whole wheat pasta, a veggie.

Eat complex carbs until about 3 pm and only green fibrous veggies after that. Lots and lots of water. I didn't drink a soda in over 7 months. I'd have a protein shake (love muscle milk cookies and cream) with water before bed. That is another thing bedtime is earlier now. I realize how important rest really is. A great multi vitamin that my pharmacy makes for men and that's about it. Now I am thinking that I need to eat before my workout at like 5:30. Sometimes I'd get a little caffeine but many have told me to consider a protein before the workout. My training is like anyone else...Chest/Tris, Back/Bis, shoulders, legs and chest again on Friday or whatever part I feel needs a boot in the ass. Thanks Man. I appreciate the feedback.
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fuck, i was ready to ream you a new asshole. without openning the pics, you look like shit. but then i openned them, and read your diet plan: good show, man! really good. your only challenge now will be to SUSTAIN this lifestyle forever.

points of possible constructive criticism: don't pay too much attention to what others say, focus more on how you actually FEEL; mix in brown rice; and focus a bit more on cardio, abs, back and chest (in that order, imho).

also: AVOID injuries. work out smartly.
diegothailand said:
fuck, i was ready to ream you a new asshole. without openning the pics, you look like shit. but then i openned them, and read your diet plan: good show, man! really good. your only challenge now will be to SUSTAIN this lifestyle forever.

points of possible constructive criticism: don't pay too much attention to what others say, focus more on how you actually FEEL; mix in brown rice; and focus a bit more on cardio, abs, back and chest (in that order, imho).

also: AVOID injuries. work out smartly.

THANKS DIEGO! Agree cardio and Abs need more attention but I really AM doing them. Rome wasn't built in a day I guess is all I can keep telling myself. I think I really improved my chest after I had gyno removal. It was there since puberty (puffed out nips) and added a little on the traps. But I agree, my back isn't there either. I admire you guys and the way you have built your physiques. I will get there (hopefully before I get too old to enjoy it without viagra LOL) Again, these pics are flat pics and not after a workout. I get an amazing pump (for me) when I finish my workouts. If I could only stay that way! LOL.
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