Going to run the Tren at a higher dose than the Test, huh???
I actually like that, unless your going to failure.
But basic heavy hardcore moves on leg day!!! Thats a lot like i would train, except my back would die from the squat and deads at near maxes, thats why i do one heavy and speed technique the other!
Keep it up mate
Thats how i do it and it works great.
Nice squat numbers. I think you will see some big strength gains on this one.
Damn Csyflt your a tall SOB. I with Mikea Im also 6 3 and my deads seem to be my best exercise. Im wondering what it would be like to train Deads later in the week away from Squats? Im sure you could use a lot more weight. Man id be crippled doing squats and deads on the same day. I read some of your posts and now knowing your height im betting your like my big ole country boy friends in WV. You from the South?