My prop/tren cycle :)

Bri just read on an other thread that your 6´5, autch! Man im 6`3 and i have had some pretty big issues on maxing out. How long are your arms? Mine are long for my size, which means deadlift is my best lift where as bench sucks. The thing i hate about the most is how much beef you gotta ad to your frame before it starts looking beefy! So respect man!

Would it in anyway be possible that you started logging your workouts, like what you did, how many sets etc... For me it would make it so much more intresting to read! Theres already so much talk about just roids on this site.
Yesterday was squats deads and lunges. My lower back and max lifts do not like these lifts!
squat/ 225/8 275/8 300/5 310/5 325/4
dead lift/ 135/8 175/8 225/5 290/4
walking lunges/ 50lb dumbells/5steps each leg 60lb d/5sel then 70lb d/5sel

I actually like that, unless your going to failure.

But basic heavy hardcore moves on leg day!!! Thats a lot like i would train, except my back would die from the squat and deads at near maxes, thats why i do one heavy and speed technique the other!

Keep it up mate:)

I actually like that, unless your going to failure.

But basic heavy hardcore moves on leg day!!! Thats a lot like i would train, except my back would die from the squat and deads at near maxes, thats why i do one heavy and speed technique the other!

Keep it up mate:)

Sounds good man. Yeah my lower back gets stiff sometimes! I will try what you said!
Damn Csyflt your a tall SOB. I with Mikea Im also 6 3 and my deads seem to be my best exercise. Im wondering what it would be like to train Deads later in the week away from Squats? Im sure you could use a lot more weight. Man id be crippled doing squats and deads on the same day. I read some of your posts and now knowing your height im betting your like my big ole country boy friends in WV. You from the South?
Damn Csyflt your a tall SOB. I with Mikea Im also 6 3 and my deads seem to be my best exercise. Im wondering what it would be like to train Deads later in the week away from Squats? Im sure you could use a lot more weight. Man id be crippled doing squats and deads on the same day. I read some of your posts and now knowing your height im betting your like my big ole country boy friends in WV. You from the South?

Yes sir im from the south! I am from TN!
I know there is alot of debate on post cycle therapy (pct) and AIs for thios cycle. I want something I can run straigght through the cycle and cut both p and e gynos! I was reading on other boards and some say letro will work with both. 1.25mg EOD
I am going to start tonite running letro at 1.25mg eod! I have a little puffyness. There is no pain or itching though!
Going to start vitamin B6 today! What mg do you think I should run? Im thinking 300 split into 3 doses!
i'd do 600mg/day divided up in two doses but im sure it wont matter much......i was about to say an extra 3 pokes a day but ur gonna administer it subQ right?
No I got the b6 pills and im taking 100mg 3times a day until im done with the letro. Then Im going to bump it up to 200mg 3times a day
didnt even think of that! I might have to get sum b6 and implement it. You likin the tren so far? Im lookin foward to the crazy dreams i keep hearin about, i for sure had the wildest dreams ever on the PH trenadrol which got me thinkin, what the fuk is in that stuff.