My second cycle (Test Prop and Tren Ace) log, with pictures.

Update 5: So not sure if you guys saw my other post in the forum, but the tren has definetely kicked in. I can't fuckin sleep anymore its screwing with my classes in college cuz i can't even study. On top of that I'm getting major acne on my back and shoulders and my face. I'm going to grab some pantothenic acid tomorrow and start running it at 3 grams per day. If the acne doesn't clear out within 2 weeks or gets worse. I'm dropping the tren and initiating pct after 2 weeks of prop. Honestly, for me the gains do not outweigh the sides of doing horrible in my junior year in college.

On the bright side. I've definitely lost some fat in my stomach I think, and I've gained about 2-3 pounds and I'm sitting at around 191 now I think. I will start doing cardio tomorrow to keep burning more fat.
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Update 6: I think I'm getting used to not sleeping much. Night sweats don't really happen anymore, I do sweat a lot though in general. I haven't really noticed much of a strength increase except in my legs. I can leg press what I was originally doing on my first cycle at my peak with the dbol again. For some reason I always notice a huge increase in legs whenever I run any compound. Vascularity is definetely up, the pumps i get at the gym are ridiculous. My arms literally blow the fuck up. Every person is eying me everytime I lift. To be honest I look too big when I'm in the pump, haha. I haven't really been eating well, cuz of school. I've been binging here and there. I finally got it in check today, and started a good deal of my cardio today as well. Most of my midterms are out of the way so I should be eating well and training hard atleast for the next 2-3 weeks.
Update 7: O yeah, and I forgot to add, I'm on my 5th day of taking panthoethnic acid at 10 grams a day for my acne, and it's working! My acne has finally been controlled and if anything it's getting better than what it was like before cycle. You guys gotta try this shit, if you have problems with acne, no joke. I take 3 grams in the morning, 2 grams after lunch, 2 grams after dinner, and 3 grams before bed. I'm going to continue loading for another 2-3 days then start taking a maintenance dose of 4-5 grams a day.
Update 8: I think I'm gonna go ahead and bump the tren dosage to 175 mg's e/o/d tomorrow. Sides are all tolerable, the only thing is insomnia, but I'm getting used to the little sleep. It's weird some night ill sleep like a baby without any sleeping aids and other nights I'll be up like all night. Today I noticed an increase in weight when I was lifting chest. I was able to pump out more reps with higher weight dumbells on dumbell press. It felt good. I'm liking these strength gains. I'll get pics up in a week or so. I feel like there isn't much of a difference in body composition as of yet.
Update 9: Getting a quality night of sleep is the biggest factor in terms of not getting acne I think. Days that I'm able to sleep in my acne will honestly be much less noticeable than days im up like all night or get little sleep due to insomnia. I came home for the weekend to my parents house so I haven't been lifting this weekend. I worked in the yard for about 6 hours today tho, pressure washing the driveway and doing yardwork, so it was almost like a good workout. I got a pump working the lawn mower lol. I'll do push ups and random exercises tomorrow and get back to the gym on monday when im back at my uni. Also, ever since my last cycle I was scared to pin my glutes since it always hurt to get the needle to get through my ass, but I decided I need to rotate injection sites cuz i got tired of doing just quads, so i decided to try the glutes again, and it was a success. It was crazy how easy the needle went in, it was like slicing butter with a knife so smooth, haha. Probably the fastest pin i've ever done in my life. I'm definitely including glutes in my pin sites now. Although, I can barely sit now and sleep cuz my right ass cheek is in hella pain haha.
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Update 10: NEW PROGRESS PICS ARE UP! They are on the first post of this thread. Its a week 3 update. What do you guys think? Personally, I really need to step up on the cardio, but its so freaken hard cuz tren totally messes with your stamina, but starting tomorrow I will push myself and start up again. I really want to lose the last of the fat in my stomach and see some abs for once.
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Pics are lookin Good Man.. seems Like You Found Somethin Thats working For U. IM Thinkin About Startin A Cycle. Do U Have A Sight You Recomend??
You seem to have lot of acnee no ?

Yeah I do especially on my back and shoulders. I've had it since my first cycle. It's actually a lot better ever since I started the Pantothenic acid regimen. Like seriously a lot better. I'm sure Ina few months all of it will be gone. I've suffered from it even before I started cycling.
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Update 10: NEW PROGRESS PICS ARE UP! They are on the first post of this thread. Its a week 3 update. What do you guys think? Personally, I really need to step up on the cardio, but its so freaken hard cuz tren totally messes with your stamina, but starting tomorrow I will push myself and start up again. I really want to lose the last of the fat in my stomach and see some abs for once.

hey man just do a steady pace of stairs