My second cycle (Test Prop and Tren Ace) log, with pictures.

Update 10: NEW PROGRESS PICS ARE UP! They are on the first post of this thread. Its a week 3 update. What do you guys think? Personally, I really need to step up on the cardio, but its so freaken hard cuz tren totally messes with your stamina, but starting tomorrow I will push myself and start up again. I really want to lose the last of the fat in my stomach and see some abs for once.

add 100 mast P EOD and you will shred more fat!
Update 11: Thanks guys. Appreciate the feedback. I think starting tomorrow I am going to bump the tren ace from 175 mg's e/o/d to 200 mg's e/o/d. Gains are great. I am getting HUGE, and just want to see more haha. I feel like my sex drive isn't as high as it should be though. I can still get it up, but I just don't have the mental desire to have sex sometimes, it's weird. I think it might be because I've been running tren higher than test. I also, haven't been running prami since the first week since I dont feel like I have any of the prolactin based sides. I haven't really experienced a huge strength increase besides in legs. I've been really trying to constrict calories though and I think that's the reason strength hasn't been going up, but I'm gaining size and definitely getting harder muscles, that's for sure. My vascularity is getting more and more visible as the days move on. I've got about 2-3 weeks left on the tren. I still haven't decided if I want to run tren for a total of 6 or 7 weeks, I'll decide by the end of next week. Do you guys think running tren for 7 weeks and prop an additional 2 weeks, so a total of 9 weeks is really risky for having a hard recovery? I recovered extremely quick from my almost 14 week cycle of prop I ran this last summer. So I hope the same will be true here. My balls are still big, the hcg i run every 3 days is certainly keeping them full, so I haven't experienced any atrophy.
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Update 11: Thanks guys. Appreciate the feedback. I think starting tomorrow I am going to bump the tren ace from 175 mg's e/o/d to 200 mg's e/o/d. Gains are great. I am getting HUGE, and just want to see more haha. I feel like my sex drive isn't as high as it should be though. I can still get it up, but I just don't have the mental desire to have sex sometimes, it's weird. I think it might be because I've been running tren higher than test. I also, haven't been running prami since the first week since I dont feel like I have any of the prolactin based sides. I haven't really experienced a huge strength increase besides in legs. I've been really trying to constrict calories though and I think that's the reason strength hasn't been going up, but I'm gaining size and definitely getting harder muscles, that's for sure. My vascularity is getting more and more visible as the days move on. I've got about 2-3 weeks left on the tren. I still haven't decided if I want to run tren for a total of 6 or 7 weeks, I'll decide by the end of next week. Do you guys think running tren for 7 weeks and prop an additional 2 weeks, so a total of 9 weeks is really risky for having a hard recovery? I recovered extremely quick from my almost 14 week cycle of prop I ran this last summer. So I hope the same will be true here. My balls are still big, the hcg i run every 3 days is certainly keeping them full, so I haven't experienced any atrophy.

it will be hard, i recovered. This time imma cruse with HCG and blast it at the end :)
Update 12: So today I lowered the test dosage to 75 mg's e/o/d and upped the tren dosage to 225 mg's e/o/d. Just wanted to see what a lower test dose and higher tren dose would do. I also found out I have enough aromasin to last me for a 9 week cycle. So I still have about 2 weeks left to go on the tren and 4 weeks to go on the prop. I honestly feel this gear may be underdosed, as I am taking a really high dose of tren, but I'm not really feeling that "god like" feeling everybody says. Don't get me wrong, I'm definetely getting bigger and I look way more vascular and leaner, but I do feel that it's somewhat underdosed. I'm still incredibly happy with the results, I just wish I could have lost more fat, but that's more of my fault for not doing cardio. The only serious sides I've had so far since the start of the cycle is insomnia. I just literally can't sleep at night. I've noticed that the only times I ever get night sweats is when I actually fall asleep, otherwise I don't ever sweat at night. It's been weeks since I've sweat at night actually. Pumps are still amazing. My arms are getting HUGE. Acne is under control every since I started the panethine and l-carnitine regimen. I switched up from taking 10 grams of pantothenic acid a day to just taking 450 mg's of pantethine and 250 mg's of l-carnitine, 3 times a day. It's only been about 4 days since I switched the regimen, but it seems to be working. My shoulders have definetely gotten clearer. I still haven't noticed the insane strength increase that people talk about when on tren. I'm definetely putting up heavier weight but it's not a crazy amount like when I used dbol on my last cycle. It may be due to the fact that I'm not taking in an adequate amount of protein, as I don't take protein shakes anymore, and just get all my protein from meats and food. I originally had stopped taking prami about 4 weeks back due to getting acne, but about a week ago I noticed some sensitivity in my nipples and started to dose prami again @ .125 mg's e/d and now i'm taking .250 mg's e/d at night, and the sensitiivty is gone. I also, haven't really seen any new acne being formed either. In the beginning of the cycle when I noticed acne, it really was just the fluctuating hormone levels from the start of the cycle that flared the acne, and I thought it was the prami. So I guess the prami didn't really cause me any acne. It's been a while since I last updated the log, but school has literally been taking over my life. Finals week is in a few weeks, so I'll still keep training hard and going from there. Let me know what you guys think.
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same here, draw n pin with same one, every now n then i feel a little more pain but its rare. just always gotta sterilize.
Great thread and progress pics. I did my first cycle with test prop and anavar for a similar goal and am looking at doing this exact one for #2. Will try the pan acid to deal with the acne too, my last one was a 10 week cycle and the breakouts were getting pretty obnoxious by the end.
Yeah I do especially on my back and shoulders. I've had it since my first cycle. It's actually a lot better ever since I started the Pantothenic acid regimen. Like seriously a lot better. I'm sure Ina few months all of it will be gone. I've suffered from it even before I started cycling.

Bro, Fake baking is a way to help control that acne. You dont have to do it all the time either. I do it 1 to 2 times a week for short time. The UV kills the bacteria.
Take a daily dose of Vit E and it will help with your acne. Also, throw in some milk thistle to help your liver out.
Update 13: Sorry guys, it's been a while since I updated. Finals week starts next week so I've just been super busy with studying and shit. I've got one more injection left with the tren ace, so Saturday will be my last pin on the ace, and then I'll run prop for about 1-1.5 weeks longer before I begin post cycle therapy (pct). I know I said I was going to initially run the prop 2 weeks longer, but I only have enough Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to last me for about the next 2 weeks. For my last 3 tren ace injections I ramped up the dose to 315 mg's. I know that is a HUGE dose, but this stuff is definitely underdosed. Since bringing the dose up to that, I feel like I'm gaining so much more now, vascularity is up, and pumps are even better. I'm definitely on a caloric deficit, but am still putting on weight. I'm sitting at around 195 pounds now I believe. I'm up about 5 pounds since I started the cycle. I've definitely lost fat in my stomach, but not as much as I was hoping to. I'm going to begin Insanity as soon as I get on spring break, and make the most out of the last week on this cycle. I'm definitely pleased with the results I got on this cycle. I'll upload some progress pics on Sunday. So I've also been running only 75 mg's of prop with all my tren ace e/o/d. When I stop the tren early in the next few days would you guys recommend keeping the prop at the same dose or bringing it up for the last week, when I'm running prop by itself?
Update 14: New progress pics are up, I changed the order around for the pics, so it's way easier to see the physical changes. I was amazed looking at the pics when I put them in the chronological order they are in now. What do you guys think? You guys notice anything? I stopped the tren about 3 days back, I'm gonna run prop for an additional week before starting post cycle therapy (pct). I upped the prop dosage to 150 mg's e/o/d for this last week week as well since I have enough left in my last vial to do so.
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Update 15: Man it's only been about 4 days of being on just prop @ 150 mg's e/o/d and I can already feel the bloat kicking in, haha this is crazy. Nips are already getting more puffy even though I'm still running aromasin e/d. Only less than a week left.
Update 16: I've got one more injection of test prop left before I initiate post cycle therapy (pct). My last injection will be on 3/24 along with my last injection of 500 iu's of HCG. I upped the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose for the last 2 injections before PCT just to be safe. I'll start PCT about 4 days after these last injections. I'm planning on holding off on using the nolva until about the second week of PCT, just to make sure more of the tren clears out of my system. So far the plan for PCT is to run 100 mg's of clomid for the first week and then drop down to 50 mg's for weeks 2-5. That's exactly what I did on my last cycle and recovered well. I also plan on running an ephedrine and caffeine stack for the first 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). I've used it before and it definitely has anti-catabolic properties. I'll still be eating at maintenance levels to make sure I don't lose any gains. I'll also be running my prami throughout PCT, just to safe as well. So far i'm running it at .5 mg's every day, and plan on increasing it tonight to .625 mg's. The puffy nips are freaking me out right now. I've also noticed a lump beneath my nips. I think it's just from the increase in test prop dosage. It happened on my last cycle and went away soon. Hoping the same thing happens again.
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Update 17: PCT starts tonight. I've decided to take the clomid at night at 100 mg's for the first week, then bump it down to 50 mg's for the remaining 4 weeks. I plan on running the clomid for 5 total weeks. I'll start the nolvadex, when I get back to school. I only brought down a few with me for spring break, just in case I needed it for emergency. I'll be heading back to school this Sunday, so I'll start dosing the nolva at 40 mg's for 2 weeks from there, and then drop it down to 20 mg's. I'll also still be taking prami. I'm currently taking .7 mg's every night, not sure if I should decrease it or keep it there for PCT. I'll also start the ec stack tomorrow morning. I'm using a different scale back home and it says I weigh around 191 pounds, I think it's underestimating. I'll go back to school on Sunday and check it on the scale that I always use to be consistent. It's really weird, ever since I stopped pinning the prop, my libido has actually gotten better. I'm getting stronger boners then I was on cycle. I think it may mean the tren has finally cleared my system I think, and that's why, but who knows. I still don't have a sex drive tho, like I won't have a desire to have sex. I can get it up no problem if I need to though, that's not an issue, just not having the desire to. Has anybody else had this problem before? I hope this gets better after PCT.
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Update 18: So I'm 2 weeks done with post cycle therapy (pct), I was dosing the clomid at 100 mg's e/d and 40 mg's of nolva e/d for that first half. I will now bring down the clomid to 50/50/50 for 3 weeks and 20/20 on the nolva for 2 weeks. I like to extend clomid 5 weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) to be safe. So far everything is good, I've been keeping most of my gains. I look way more cut up and have a lot of veins ever since I started the ec stack up. I look almost better than I was on cycle, although I do feel smaller ha. My libido is finally back! I can get it up no problem and get it to stay. It was weird cuz sometimes on cycle I just couldn't get it up. Balls are full, and I feel like I've recovered. I really want to do a serious cut now, but I'll be safe and wait a few weeks after the end of post cycle therapy (pct).
Awesome that ur post cycle therapy (pct) went well. im takin 80mg tren 40mg prop ed. i been on tren for 4weeks. i feel th same as if its underdosed. just first time on tren dont wanna die on it. i work out crazy in th gym. but dunno jus want more tren like 100mg 120 mg tren ed...