My second cycle (Test Prop and Tren Ace) log, with pictures.


New member
So, here's the log to my second cycle I'll be updating every few days throughout the entirety of the cycle. My first cycle I did was test prop @ 150 mg's e/o/d with 50 mg's of dbol.

Here are the stats:
Age: 21
Weight: 189
Previous cycle history: Test Prop @ 150 mg's e/o/d for 13 weeks and 50 mg's dbol for 6 weeks
Goal: To cut body fat down and gain more muscle.


(1) Testosterone Propianate @ 100 mg's e/o/d for 8 weeks. Dropped to 75 mg's e/o/d for weeks 4-7. Upped to 150 mg's e/o/d for the last week until post cycle therapy (pct).
(2) Trenbolone Acetate @ 150 mg's e/o/d for 7 weeks. Ramped up to 225 mg's e/o/d for weeks 4-6, and 315 mg's e/o/d for the last week. (shit was underdosed)
(3) Aromasin @ 12.5 mg's e/d.
(4) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250 iu's e/3/d starting week 2.
(5) Liquid Prami @ 0.35 mg's e/d.

Post Cycle Treatment:
(1) Nolvadex 4-6 days after my last pin @ 40/40/20/20 e/d for 4 weeks.
(2) Clomid 4-6 days after my last pin @ 100/50/50/50/50 e/d for 5 weeks (yes I like to run clomid longer).
(3) Gonna take aromasin up until PCT.

Powered by Pinnacle Labs

(1) Fish Oil
(2) Multi-vitamin


Start Date: 1/25/2013


Pic 1 = Week 1, Day 01: 188-189 pounds
Pic 2 = Week 3, Day 24: 190-191 pounds
Pic 3 = Week 7, Day 54: 189-193 pounds (depends how much I eat)



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Update 1: First pin was today. I drew up the test prop first and then the tren ace all into one syringe. I pinned straight into the right quad. So far no pain and it's been about 10 hours. I remember the first time I ever pinned, I was dying in pain 10 hours later so hopefully the fact that I'm pinning a lot less per injection will help with that. So far I feel the same. Let's see if I get any night sweats tonight or anything, but I doubt it since it's only the first day. I did legs today, tomorrow will be shoulders and trap. Feedback and advice is appreciated.
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looks like you have a good base to start from, keep us posted
i am curious about the drawing from multiply vials and pining with same needle, any veterans please comment on that aspect too
looks like you have a good base to start from, keep us posted
i am curious about the drawing from multiply vials and pining with same needle, any veterans please comment on that aspect too

I definitely change the needle man before I inject. I just draw with the same one.
I use a 23g to draw and pin, same needle. Some say it dulls the tip, but i dont feel shit. Nice cycle bro. Im tagged.
Update 2: Today was the 3rd pin and honestly I don't really mind these e/d injections. I don't experience much pain anymore like I did on my last cycle. I think the fact that I'm pinning a lot less per injection is really making a difference. In my last cycle I would pin 150 mg's of prop e/o/d and I would have some serious pain sometimes a few hours later, but the fact that I'm only pinning 30 mg's of prop and 60 mg's of tren (90 mg's total per injection) really is helping I think. I sure hope these pain free injections keep going on. I haven't really felt anything yet on the tren. If anything I think I have a slight increase in anger, but that just may be placebo messing with me. I like the increased aggression though, it makes me lift harder in the gym and finish all my reps. Yesterday while I was lifting shoulders, I did notice a slightly better pump though. I'm sure things will start to pick up as soon as the first week is over.
So I've decided to change the e/d pins to e/o/d. A lot of people on this board advised me to do that. So I will be now pinning 150 mg's of tren and 100 mg's of prop e/o/d starting tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out Zeu$, that was a typo I planned to run prop 2 weeks longer originally.
Update 3: Today was the 5th day on cycle and HOLY SHIT I worked biceps today and had the craziest pumps. My arms literally blew up. I felt like a walking tank. I'm guessing the tren is slowly starting to kick in. No night sweats or weird dreams yet.
I've decided to only cycle tren for 7 weeks total and prop for 9 weeks. This is my first run with tren and I want to be responsible and safe by running a shorter cycle.
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Update 4: First Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection was today. I will be shooting 250 iu's every 3 days until my last pin for the cycle. As of now the only thing I have noticed is a slight increase in anger. I was playing some halo earlier today and got betrayed by my teammate. For some reason I immediately yelled super loudly in the mic without even thinking. About 3 seconds later I looked at myself and was like why did I even do that? It may not sound crazy, but it sure was. Dont get me wrong id still be angry if it happened before my cycle, but the way i yelled and got so furious inside was something I would never do. I'm going to start controlling myself before i say things from now on. Anyways, pumps are amazing still. I worked back today and triceps and it felt great. I sweat a lot while I'm walking around campus. By the time I get to class my shirts are pretty wet in the back. I haven't noticed any night sweats either thankfully. I do feel like I'm starting to get insomnia though. I had to take some NyQuil last night just to knock myself out, but it may just have been me freaking out about missing my test the next morning.
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tren is beast bro,i did the same thing , yelling and then 2minutes later ..why was i yellling.. tren seems like kicking in, goodluck !