My second cycle with test E and Test P advice needed .


New member
I am planning my second cycle , here is it :

Week 1-9 500 mg/week Test E

Week 10 100 mg E2D Test P (this way I can start my PCT sooner )

Week 1-10 500 ui/week HCG

Week 11 Off

Week 12-15 Clomid 50 mg/day Nolva 40mg/day

Maybe low dose Deca (50mg/week) for my joints ?

Stats : 80 kg hopefully 10-11% bodyfat ( I am cutting right now)

Goal : to reach 85-88 kg (after PCT) without major change in my body fat ratio.
My last cycle was almost the same just shorter the major change will be that I will do an OCT as suggested in Anabolics book by William Llewellyn . Also I hope I will have more money to eat more meat at least 600-800 g/day :)
Any suggestions ? Thanks
50 mg of deca a week isnt going to do much. Try 150 -200mg weekly. Deca is very anabolic and you don't need much to significantly bump up your anabolic effect when using test. If you want to protect your joints don't crasch your e2 with an ai, which by the way I didn't see in the mix, but do have it on hand. Start low though. If you are getting joint pain its from your ai.

If you want to bulk up use deca but extend your cycle out to 14 weeks, and cut deca week 10.
50 mg of deca a week isnt going to do much. Try 150 -200mg weekly. Deca is very anabolic and you don't need much to significantly bump up your anabolic effect when using test. If you want to protect your joints don't crasch your e2 with an ai, which by the way I didn't see in the mix, but do have it on hand. Start low though. If you are getting joint pain its from your ai.

If you want to bulk up use deca but extend your cycle out to 14 weeks, and cut deca week 10.
Thanks , I am afraid to use AI since it has a negative affect on cholesterol levels . Also 14 weeks are too long for me .How about this cycle
Could I start PCT at week 13 ? Switching test e with test p ant the end of the cycle is a good idea ?
I know that Deca can slow down the recovery so the question is it is worth i ? Can Deca really help me with joint problems , improve my joints health ?
If your only wanting to run a 10 week cycle and start PCT early,, then I'd run NPP instead of Deca. NPP is just short ester (faster acting) nandrolone,, and Deca takes at least 8 weeks to really start kicking in and is best run at least 14 weeks.
You'll get much more out of NPP with a shorter cycle
Thanks , I am afraid to use AI since it has a negative affect on cholesterol levels . Also 14 weeks are too long for me .How about this cycle
Could I start PCT at week 13 ? Switching test e with test p ant the end of the cycle is a good idea ?

But you are not afraid of steroids for the very same reason?