my second cycle


New member
hey guys im planning on running another cycle my stat 24yrs, 6'0, 182pounds,14%bf eat really clean 1800 is my total calories for a day 110g carbs 45g fat 190g protein. my first cycle was test e and eq ran it for 10 weeks 250mg 2x a week both test e and eq total of 1000mg. i was at 256pounds 26%bf. planning to run prop at 100mg eod for 8-10 weeks with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250iu 2x a week armidex on hand and clomid for pct 50/50/25/25 trying to do a clean bulk in jan. my calories will be up total of 2300-2600 a day 180g carbs 300g protein 55g fat. i hated pining and with prop and its going to be even worse because it will be eod im planning on using slim pin 1/2 inch needle 29g as im extremely senstive to it. i know i know man up rite? ive had a needle phobia since a lil kid. should i run Anavar (var) at 50mg eod?
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