My Split


Community Veteran
1 ( cardio AM ) Deltoids/Triceps PM

2 ( cardio AM ) Back PM


3 ( cardio AM ) Chest / Abs / Dumbell laterals (all kinds) PM

4 ( cardio AM ) Legs / Biceps PM



oh I also do deadlifts on leg and back day
so deads are done twice a week
(my body thrives off em)

also I do dips on both pushing days

what do you think?

I am trying to drop twenty,

and am really debating on that cardio everymorning
ya it looks good, just make sure when u dips too have your hands extremley close so u work my tris also stay upright and then get your hands wide so u work more chest also lean forward
Yes they are mostly presses

also its prefaced by dips

as for the presses
I do smith machine military presses
followed by Arnold presses
followed by upright rows

here is my diet as well

the diet is exactly 38 38 24

I have most of my substantial carbs only post workout along with Glutaimine Peptides, and Protien

weather that workout be cardio or lifting

its working well =)

sometimes when my energy is waining particularly for a up coming lifting bout, I will have some OATMEAL about 2-3 hours in advance to fuel that anarobic activity.

here is a sample day

1) Coffee, one cup


3) post workout Glutamine Peptide, Protien drink blended with a half a multivitamin, banana and low fat milk.......(milk does not bother me when dieting in samll amounts) =)

4) about 1.5 hours later, 2 breasts of chicken Greek style with lemon, rosmary, and olive oil, and two pieces of low carb whole wheat toast 20 grams combined

5) Snack ---- protien drink ( if energy is down OATMEAL!)

6) Pre-workout for CNS stimulation--10 mgs of Ephedrine/ 50 mgs of Caffeine/ 3 mgs of synephrine ( the back of a pharmisists desk reference suggests that 10 mgs of Ephedrine poses no health risks)

7) Workout at gym

8) post workout Glutamine Peptide, Protien drink blended with a half a multivitamin, banana and low fat milk

9) about 1.5 hours later 2 breasts of chicken Greek style with lemon, rosmary, and olive oil, and two pieces of low carb whole wheat toast. 20 grams of crabs combined

10) before bed Lots of Calcium, and a light protien drink with Gutamine Peptides ( no carbs)
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