My Summer Cutting


Death Dealer
Stats: 6'4
Turned 22 in July.

Starting out in April. Bodyweight 302.




And for the finale, full body transformation. Please excuse the nakedness.



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i'm very impressed esspecially with the back, shows very nice detail...all the way big dude at 6'4 270 but somehow you look normal in pictures.Your prob one of those guys you need to see in person or next to me to get a real idea of how big ya are...either way nice work and i am wondering if your ever goin to bulk again or yur just goin for lean mass from now on?
wow that is very impressive.. What was your cycle/diet/training like?

Cycle was test/tren, test only, tren only, test/tren/winny, and now back to test only. Diet was focused around complex carbs and lean proteins, lots of small meals. My training is an upper/lower routine hybridized with a lot of DC and westside principles blended together with my own personal preferences. Every workout during this cycle is logged in my cycle log.
peanut said:
i'm very impressed esspecially with the back, shows very nice detail...all the way big dude at 6'4 270 but somehow you look normal in pictures.Your prob one of those guys you need to see in person or next to me to get a real idea of how big ya are...either way nice work and i am wondering if your ever goin to bulk again or yur just goin for lean mass from now on?

I'll take that as a compliment because it means for once my proportions aren't out of whack. I will definitely bulk again, but I won't be doing any 30 lb junk bulkers.
ManOfMuscle said:
I would also like to add that all of this was done with zero cardio.

One of the best tranformations I've seen logged on this forum...I've been trying to tell some of these knuckle heads I run with that cardio is not a must to lean out, I may have to show them your log and pics...I'll have to save your log for when I start a cutter...good job MoM.
One of the best tranformations I've seen logged on this forum...I've been trying to tell some of these knuckle heads I run with that cardio is not a must to lean out, I may have to show them your log and pics...I'll have to save your log for when I start a cutter...good job MoM.

Thanks my friend. I appreciate your support throughout the whole thing.