My summer ripping diet....................

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Got Fina?

This is the diet i started running bout 1 month ago. started at 203lbs 11% bf and down to 195 8%...

Meal 1..... 12 eggs, 10 whites 2 regular....

Meal 2..... piece of grilled chicken, cup of spinach

Meal 3...... 50 gram pro shake 0 carbs

Meal 4..... steak, side of green viggies

Meal 5...... piece of salmon, side of steamed brocolli

Meal 6...... 50 gram pro shake 0 carbs

Meal 7...... grilled chicken, side of veggies

Meal 8...... flounder....side of romain lettuce

Meal 9....... ground turkey (extra lean)

Meal 10.................bed

Of course im also taking all vitamins, oils, and everything else needed..

Hows it look, what would u guys change? Do u think its possible to drop to 5% if i run it 4 more moths like this>>??????

Oh thats rite im sorry i forgot the best part. Yeah Sundays i eat everything in site...
lol, i do the same...i swear i must eat 10k+ calories of complete shit, but I still get leaner since I diet so hard Monday-Saturday, and with double cardio sessions everyday, 6 days/week.
Definately. By sunday i feel so weak that i look foward to it.. I goto the supermarket and buy everything. But never get to fit it all since my stomach shrunk cause of diet...

I think that the Sunday cheat doesnt effect u since u had so little the rest of the week that it just burns it rite up..

With this diet last year dropped to 7%, lets see if this year ill hit 5...

I do no cardio either i think diet is everything........
I get very lean, eating like you do on long as I'm working my ass off during the rest of the week dieting and cardio....I need the cardio though, and double sessions (90-120 minutes/day) leans me out quick.

Sunday I swear I eat 10,000 calories at least...I start like 2am Sunday morning and stop 11:59pm Sunday night. I belive this all out cheat day has kept my size despite the cardio and strict dieting, and I'm totaly natural as well. Going to start on the P-GH next week.
BTW, looks like your carbless....what about on training days? You don't take in any carbs postworkout? I go carbless all day just protein/efa's, then eat two protein/carb meals after training.
I have started soemthing very similar to this except I have oatmeal for breakfest and add a little brown rice with my chicken breats during lunch.
I was told you should def. have carbs in your pwo shake. ( Like dextrose) Also you should have some carbs in you ppwo meal. But you look amazing so do what works for you.
Thanx alot essy..
Yes that diet worked wonders for me last year and would be scared to try something diferent this year only to find out that it didnt work as planned, with the summer gone...
Cheat days are physiologically sound as well as good for keeping you sane. When you restrict calories, leptin levels drop off. Leptin is believed to be the hormone that basically tells you that you are fat. When levels are low, your body thinks that you're starving so stores as much energy as possible. A cheat day restores leptin levels, thus increasing fat burning.
great to know insaneman. Thats how i do it and it worked out good.

Every sunday i eat everything, the next day i gain 10 lbs in one day, get a little bloated the next day. Then within the next 3 days im back down again to my normal weight..

Thanx for the replies guys........
Well if you're gaining 10lbs then you may be going a bit overboard :)

But a lot of that weight is probably water ;)
Insane_Man said:
Well if you're gaining 10lbs then you may be going a bit overboard :)

But a lot of that weight is probably water ;)

Most, if not all of it is water.
Fina, your diet looks good to me. I've seen your pic in the members section so I know IT WORKS. Anyway, I've been thinking lately that diet is everything too. I do very little cardio(I play indoor soccer 2x's a week) right now. I mostly lift. I think the intense cardio burns too much muscle to be beneficial when cutting. If your bulking then I'm sure cardio helps to keep you from getting fat but If your goal is to cut up, I think diet is like 90% of the equation. Well, that's just my theory.

Are you lifting at all? What does your workout look like and how often do you lift?
Stration iIts easy for me to eat alot where i work and theres tons of stuff around there for me to get these quick little meals...

Biggerthenlavar ur absolutely rite diet is 80-90 % of u seeing results and people just dont seem to understand that.
To me cardio is nowhere near as important as diet. For example if u just ate a meal with carbs and r heading to the gym to burn some fat doing cardio, ur not touching fat ur burning the carbs u just ate..

I just dont get how people have the balls to stik pins in there ass but yet dont diet. What a waste.

I never thought diet was that importat till last summer. Iver juiced many times before and like many couldnt understand WHY i wasnt getting the ripped look i wanted. So i said what the hell let me diet and thats my story.
Ever since then instead on relying on juice and trying different combination and higher and higher doses i started reading up on diets and the different combinations with foods.

Good luck guys get ripped. And if u cant, look at ur diets...
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How long did it take you to start looking really shredded. I have been ona diet for a month now and had good results the first 2 week but now I cant tell if i see anymore results.
essy , the first few weeks you notice a big change but after that the changes become more subtle. the best thing to do is take progress pics. They are extremely motivational too. going from 8%BF to 7% isn't a big change but compare that 8% picture with say the pic of when i reach my 4.5-5% goal and there will be a huge difference.