My summer stack need insight


New member
Hey guys, I need your insight/opinions on my cutting cycle. Blast and cruising. Ended my bulk last week. I'm really fat right now... 14-15% bf 201lbs.

50mg Test Prop ED
150mg Tren Ace ED
100mg Mast Prop ED
60mg Epistane ED

25mcg T3 ED
0.5mg Caber E3D

5iu generic GH upon waking ED
250mcg/250mcg/100mcg Frag/Ipam/CJC PREWO
250mcg/500mcg/100mcg Frag/Ipam/CJC PreBed

I am considering DNP and clen:
250mg DNP 14 days on 20 days off
50-100mcg clen on the days off DNP

Couple weeks in I will pitch in Superdrol at 30mg ED.