My Sus/Deca/Dbol Log


New member
Whats up guys, this is my first log I'll be updating every few weeks. I thought I'd post up my progress for anyone interested in the result, especially new people. So let's get to it.

My stack:
500/wk Sus 15wks
350/wk Deca 12wks
30/ed Dbol 4wks
.5/eod Adex ~12wks

Clomid 3wks after last pin at 100 for first 4 days, then 50ed for ~5wks. I'm considering buying up some nolva instead after reading a bit more, but idk yet.

Arms 18.25
Chest 45
Legs 26.5
Midsection 36

For what its worth:
Bench 295 5x5
Legpress 720 5x6
Deadlift 315 5x5
Classic bulker! Very nice and simple. this is exactly what i want to do for my next run except 750 sus and 600 deca, just waiting for my test results next week. Anyway looks good bro!
Ya, I took my first pin yesterday, got some decent soreness in the thigh. But I'm excited as hell, its my first run with dbol n deca.
Taking my second pin today. First went well, some pip for about 3 days not too bad tho. My strength has increased definitely, a week and a half ago I curled 135 4 sets 4 reps, last week I curled 155 5 sets 5 reps (thank you dbol). Leg press is up to 810 5x8 no problem. Deadlift havnt done and bench I do today.
Alright so I'll update some here

My weight is still about 237-238. I've gained a 1/4 inch on both arms, my chest looks a bit thicker and my legs don't seem to have changed (surprising, but i know theyll grow here soon).

My curl is now at a whopping 175, deadlift is 335, bench is 315, leg press still around 810 because Im worried about my knees. Still doing 5x5(ish), sometimes its 5x8. Its been just over 1 week :) decent results so far.
Very nice I'm going to be running a similar cycle soon except I will be using test e instead of sus. Everything looks nice good luck!
So I've taken 5 shots now and increased my deca to 400 and dbol to 40mg, we'll see how that works out. I weighed in at 239 today but Im not sure how reliable that is, we'll see if it sticks. I'm trying to eat a lot more but its hard with my schedule. I've definitely kicked up in strength, my curl is 175 (3x5), bench is 335 (3x5), deadlift 335 (2x5), leg press 810 (4x10).
Cycle looks good man ! Good luck with it and I heard nothing but good stuff about a main sponsor nolva, definitely take a look. And like jag said Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with that will be real good.
Naah no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), i think ill be just fine without. I've had zero sides so far (about 3wks in). However, to my pleasant surprise, my libido is HIGH as hell... its retarded. Especially since deca is notorious for halting libido (deca dick). I guess my .5 adex is doing its job :)
Up until about earlier this week, I was a bit unsatisfied with my gains as I've gained about 8lbs over 3 weeks ... I figured dbol would be a lot more potent.. But then I realized I used only 30mg for the first 2 weeks (contributing factor) and my diet wasn't that great (under eating, another contributing factor). BUT in those first 3 weeks of my cycle, I'm at the weight I was at in WEEK 8 of my last sust-only cylce!

So I suppose I'm doing alright. I'm very strong, feel great, libido is still raw and I STILL have 9weeks left of deca AND 12weeks left of Sustanon (sust) which Should be kickin in about now! :) So..... stay tuned.

Also, I thought id post up a workout change. I was running the mighty 5x5 style for about 2wks of the cycle (and about 5wks leading upto the cycle) and switched to 4x10 on everything from wks 2 through 5. I will be changing back to 5x5 probably for weeks 6-9 and then to back to 4x10 for weeks 10-15 but with some variations added like dropsets and 10-set workouts mixed in.

I believe I've developed some progesterone induced gyno (from the deca, in case you don't understand that). My adex has more than likely kept my estro low as i have no other sides but as prog gyno is not entirely derived from estro, there is a small (pea size) lump under my left nip and its a little sore-ish. No leaking yet but im very certain this is gyno coming so I've just ordered up some caber and plan to take .5mg 2x a week. Should subside in a few weeks from what I've read. That is all.

I believe I've developed some progesterone induced gyno (from the deca, in case you don't understand that). My adex has more than likely kept my estro low as i have no other sides but as prog gyno is not entirely derived from estro, there is a small (pea size) lump under my left nip and its a little sore-ish. No leaking yet but im very certain this is gyno coming so I've just ordered up some caber and plan to take .5mg 2x a week. Should subside in a few weeks from what I've read. That is all.

Progesterone does not induce gyno. Elevated estrogen does or a higher ratio of estrogen to progesterone. Caber and prami will help with prolactin control but prolactin merely stimulates lactation in the mammaries, which again isn't gyno.

Breasts have two components: alveoli and ducts. The alveoli are what secrete milk; they drain into ducts. Gynecomastia is the result of ductal hyperplasia, not alveolar hyperplasia. Estrogen stimulates the ductal tissue, while progesterone stimulates the alveoli. Alveolar hyperplasia does not contribute to gyno. If you want to read more on breast development, I suggest visiting this site:
In various tissues throughout the body, including cultured neoplastic breast tissue, progestins downregulate the estrogen receptor (1). Progesterone receptor blockers like RU-486 upregulate the estrogen receptor (1). This is consistent with the fact that RU-486 CAUSES gyno in patients in whom it is used to treat Cushing***8217;s disease and meningiomas (2).
Progestins are also anti-estrogenic in that they induce the enzyme 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the oxidation of estradiol to the less potent estrone. Progestins also induce estrogen sulfotransferase, the enzyme which catalyzes the sulfation and inactivation of estrogens.
Have you checked estrogen levels to verify your Adex is not only real but effective at the dose you're taking? You may be a heavy aromatizer and therefore may need higher or more frequent dosing.
Adex is .5 EOD no one goes over that dosage, itd be too much. I know Im not aromatizing cuz of past cycles. From what I've read, prog does induce gyno, as opposed to estro induced. Cuz deca is prog derived
Alright so little update....

I ordered up caber from MP, but definitely DID NOT get it and the "refunded" it but I definitely have NOT been refunded... So fyi.

As for my cycle, I think Im in week 7 or 8 and Im upping the deca to 500 now and sus to 600 for the remaining 7 or so weeks. Im still around 242, not eating enough apparently to keep going up so Im trying to fix that. Im doing 5x20 now on all exercises but I think I may switch back to the 5x5 I started with here in a week or 2. Trying to keep it new.

Feel free to drop your opinion