MY test/superdrol/winni 16 week cycle LOG!


New member
Hey guys this is my first log but since I will be keeping updates on my status for my dietician, I figured I could post them here as well. I will be cutting at the beginning of my cycle and then bulking after a month or so once my bf gets low enough. I will tell you guys my diet and everything but doubtful about logging every workout, not enough time. All my stats get updated weekly so I will make weekly posts on how I am feeling, noticeable strength and size gains and any and all sides.

My cycle:
Test-e/Test-c 600mg a week for 16 weeks
Superdrol 20mg ed weeks 1-4
Tren A weeks 5-13
Winni Weeks 14-18 50mg ed
aromasin 6.25 ed till probably week 3 then bumping to 12.5
(I have letro and nolva in case my gyno starts acting up but I want to run as low an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as possible)
PCT: Standard Nolva/Clomid combo w/ Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5

My cutting diet:
Meal 1 - Egg whites and oatmeal
Meal 2 - shake and rice cakes
Meal 3 - steak and brown rice
meal 4 - PWO shake and carb powder
Meal 5 - Chicken and green beans / salad with 1 TSP olive oil
Meal 6 - Shake and 1 TSP peanut butter

Total Protein = 244 ( Min. ) Total Carbs.= 174 (MAX) Total Fat 40 ( Healthy )

Wednesday May 1st, (5/1/13) My weight after my morning piss was 195 and I was 11% bodyfat
Sunday May 5th (5/5/13) was my first shot of 500mg of test-c/test-e mix (I am injecting a gram the first week to preload cause i had some extra)
Starting my superdrol this wednesday which should be when my next post is.
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Weighed myself today and I am down to 190! I know there will be an initial weight loss from water weight but it still concerns me. Luckily I am starting the superdrol today and taking my second half gram shot for the week. I am taking finals and haven't been able to lift as much but my lifts are definitely down some since starting the diet. Mainly just a rep or two on some exercises, especially things related to shoulders. I want to continue cutting for a few more weeks and hopefully the anabolics will prevent any catabolism till I can get my bf down to where I want it for my lean bulk. I have 16 weeks to do this so no rush. Finals are over today and then my routine is 5 days a week at 8am before my summer school classes. No excuses. I will update in a week about progress if not sooner.
Cutting before bulking in the same cycle is useless IMO I would cut naturally before starting the cycle that way you start to bulk with your bf% the way you want it
Thanks beefcake, but I already started and this is the way I am doing it.
Quick update, wednesday I weighed in at 192 after my morning piss, but I am looking a LOT leaner. The extra weight is obviously from the start of the superdrol. My strength is going up slowly but surely, I mainly notice it in my endurance. I am getting a high rep count on EVERY set even when I am hitting really high volume in the gym. I am doing a 5 day a week split and its working, I am continuing the end my workouts with 30 min of low grade cardio but despite the increased volume and added cardio I leave the gym with energy. Its great to be back on cycle and feel "on" again. I have 2 and half more weeks of the superdrol then I start the tren A at 50mg ed and will REALLY be hitting it hard in the gym, I will be trying for two a days a lot. If you guys want more info let me know, but I just started this is a fun thing for me to do and in case someone wanted to read it. Later.