my tren and test prop cycle!


New member
What i'm using:
QV test prop 100mg/ml
tren acetate(homebrew)100mg/ml
oxyflux clenbuterol .02mcg/tab
cynomel t3 .25mcg/tab
arimidex 1mg/ml

test 1-10 100mgEOD
tren 1-10 100mgEOD
clen/t3 after week 6
arimidex throughout cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) 0.5mgEOD

going with the ckd diet as in my goals for the cycle are to remain the same weight,maybe gain like about 5 lbs but just muscle and would like to drop some fat from my 5;10 185 14.5 bf%...
diet consists of 60% protein and 40% fat. One day a week is a carb up day.each week will be lowering my fat calories so that ican burm more fat.will take in 16x my bodyweight in cals the first week
got my first shot in at 5:19 pm on monday.took it in the quad for my first quad injection ever.
today , tuesday i worked out back. pretty good workout.
i ate very good and clean today and drank plenty of water.i must say i felt very sluggish towards the end of the day due to the low carbs. i kind of had too many carbs today.

meal 1: 2 scoops of whey,hamburger
meal 2:postworkout:soft vanilla ice cream lean body
meal 3:grilled chicken
meal 4:2 scopps of whey,3 whole eggs,turkey,cheese & ham on a plate(yum)
meal 5:some walnuts
meal 6:a whole steak(with bbq sauce and ketchup <---- messed up there)

breakfast was alittle weak today b/c i looked in the fridge and had no egga or anything. tomorrow i hope to have some eggs with bacon

started off the day with a good chest workout.felt god even though i'm on no was clean throughout the day. took a shot at 4:00pm in my left quad.went in as smooth as silk

meal1:2 scops of whey,4 whole eggs
meal2:postworkout,2scoops of whey
meal3:2 hamburgers
meal4:tuna w/ walnuts
meal5:a whole steak

even though the diet was clean i have to add in more fats,and protein........i will be follwing a more strict and scheduled diet starting tomorrow where i full fil my need each day....
Each week i will be adding more protein and evey 2 weeks i will be dropping fat calories...
i will start my cardio at 3x a week next week

woke up sick as ever. i could barely even move, let alone walk. didnt even eat til the end of the day. basicalyy a shitty day for me. my freegin quads are absolutely killing me. gotta find somewhere else.i hope tomorrow is better

woke up alot better than yesterday. thats a good sign. Had a good breakfast of eggs and turkey bacon. i changed my diet in that every 2 weeks i will be lower my calores to drop more body fat.but still keep my protein up.

i worked out my shoulders today and had a really good feeling the fina starting to kick in just alittle bit but thats prob just psyhological.

around 8:00 pm i hit my left delt. first delt shot even and it went really smooth. just feels like someone punched me there now but thats better than what my quads feel like.
tomorrow ill be workin my arms. no aggression from the fina yet and no fina cough.good signs!