Not Novice, But Not Pro
You're actually a little on the low side. I'd back down the AI dose a smidge, unless you feel GREAT. Many of us try to keep it in the upper 2/3 of the range (sensitive), as that tends to be the "sweet spot". Of course, we're all different, so your body may prefer being towards the bottom half.
I just realized that you had a glucose result in the other panel that's pretty high. Were you fasting by chance? If not, are you a diabetic, or have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes?
Hi there Halfwit I'm not feeling great, but ok, so I will aim for 2/3rds which I guess is about 26 (sensitive). And yes, I was fasting, but I'm a diabetic on insulin, and 154 is a pretty good for that time of day for me. Anything you or others can tell me from any of my test numbers, specially the HIGH ones?