My wife is going to kill me

I have purchased over $800 in peptide product in the last week.
HGH/IGF is no joke! I wanted to run a cycle of IGF-1-LR3 and TB500, but my wife saw the recent withdrawal for my next AAS cycle and squashed that fast! All I can recommend to you is to perfect your cunnilingus skills, it helps to weaken their resolve. ;)

Don't tell her.
Until they find out, then it's World War Thirty-Six! :uzi::axe:
HGH/IGF is no joke! I wanted to run a cycle of IGF-1-LR3 and TB500, but my wife saw the recent withdrawal for my next AAS cycle and squashed that fast! All I can recommend to you is to perfect your cunnilingus skills, it helps to weaken their resolve. ;)

Until they find out, then it's World War Thirty-Six! :uzi::axe:

I bulk purchased, I have enough IGF-LR3 for the rest of the year, as well as a few other things. Thank you, pork_chop, for the great advice!!!!

I have my techniques for this kind of situation, what are yours? lol. Just in case I need to pull out some new tricks to throw her off.
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Hahaha!!! Tell her its for her cause you love her that much.

I try to add in extra back massages and nice gestures like lunch at work. My idea is, you can't hate someone who makes you feel good all of the time! That and I never get mad at her for things she does wrong because I plan on using that against her should she get mad at my spending. bahahaha

Don't tell her.

I won't tell her, but when the bank statements come, shit comes out of the closet! haha.
Gotta be smart fellas I take money out slowly so when I spend 6 7 800 she just thinks it was a cpl hundred fuckin women always all in my business lol