My workout! What do you think?


New member
Hi a little bit about me first is i am 22 years old and 6ft 4in and weigh 97kg and currently 15-16% BF. see below for my diet and workout routine and let me know what you think? How long could it take me to drop to 10% BF.

7:30am - L-Glutamine upon waking up
8:00am - 3 wheatabix with skimmed milk and 60g protein from protein shake with water
9:00am - handful raw almonds
10:30am - 45g protein from protein shake with water
12:30pm - 125g chicken breast cooked with half cup of couscous
3:30pm - 125g chicken breast with half cup of couscous
5:00pm - 5g creatine
5:20pm - workout at gym
6:30pm - 60g protein from protein shake with water
7:30pm - 250g chicken breast with mediterainian veg
9:00pm - L-Glutamine before bed

Chest, triceps & abs

Back and biceps (including dead lifts now)

High Intensity Intervaul Training (45 mins)

Shoulders & abs

High Intensity Intervaul Training (45 mins)

Saturday & Sunday:

Chest: Bench Press, Dumbell Press, Decline Flys, Incline Bench Press, Cable Flys and Dumbell Pullovers.

Triceps: Skull Crushers, Tricep Cable Pull Downs, Dips.

Back: Deadlift, Widegrip Pull Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Widegrip Lat Pulldowns, Bent Over Barbell Rows and Seated Rows.

Biceps: Concentration Curls, Hammer Curls and 21s on Cables.

Shoulders: Clean and Press, Dumbbell Press, Military Press, Smith Machine Front Press and Front and Side raise with dumbbell.

Abs: Cable Rotation Twist, Kettlebell side raises, Cable Side Raises, Sit Ups With 5kg Medecine Ball, Reverse Crunches, Russian Twists

High Intensity Intervaul Training:
(From Mrs P,s post)

The first phase

The first part of the workout is short interval HIIT with a long recovery ratio.
For these intervals, you sprint 15 seconds and recover (jog) for 45 seconds.

You can beging with a warm up for 2 minutes and then perform 8 sets of this type of HIIT for a total workout of 10 minutes.

For the second phase, You could perform 25 minutes of steady state cardio (light paced jog)
This provides an active recovery for your muscles.

The final phase
Is performing long interval HIIT with short recovery periods.
This will fully deplete your body of glycogen allowing for a greater after-burn effect and fat burning once your workout is complete. You could perform 1 minute sprint intervals with 1 minute of jogging.

The sprint intervals for this portion are not as intense as the first phase, by necessity as your muscles will be slightly tired. It’s best to keep this final phase to around 10 minutes as well.
I think you need to eat more than that to be honest. 4.5oz of chicken isn't a lot imo. I'd post in the diet section for pointers.

My .02c :)