My Year on Peptides


Hi all,
I thought I would give some feedback to those on this board regarding what changes have occured since I started growth hormone inducing peptides about 13 months ago. I have been taking exclusively an Ipamorelin/Mod GRF(1-29) combo at 100 mcg each consistently 1X ED. Only while on trips have I taken any time off and the most has been 1 week. The reason I have been taking them is to increase collagen production in my body. A caveate to the changes noted however is that I have cycled 2X on Deca/Test also during this time so will focus on what I feel was peptide related.

Regarding collagen, I am certain peptides have had an impact. After ending the Deca cycles, joint pain did not come back as most people indicate it does. I see this as the GH inducing peptides working long term and not immediately. All research points to higher levels of GH in the body produces more collagen.

The most interesting change has been in my cognitive functions. I really did not notice it until about 8 months in when I started realizing I was able to recall much better than before. I thought deeper and more broadly while solutions to problems came to me easier. I researched into this and found that GH levels does increase blood flow in the brain. A study on rats showed older ones given GH grew new blood vessels in the brain.

Another fascinating ancedote in the last year was a car accident I was in where I broke my ankle and my neck. I increased peptide usage to 3X per day at 100 mcg each with tremendous results. Energy was up, no catabolism of the unused leg and was able to walk again in 5 weeks. I would estimate a "full" recovery took 12-16 weeks but am always hesitant to state full. Bottom line, zero effects are being felt from these breaks at this time. Interested, I have a short log:

I have tried different times of the day when to take tides. The best time to take the peptides for me has been pre-workout. They always give me a boost and I recover faster. If taken at night, I sleep better. Morning dosing can give me a slight energy boost.

Staying lean has been the easiest thing to do on Tides. I cheat all the time and can stay at 12-13% BF consistently. Another BB-related note, I don't feel GH peptides increase muscles by themselves but they do help retain what you have. More anti-catabolic than anabolic, I would say.

Anyway, just giving some input to help those that are considering what peptides may give you.
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I'm glad you are doing great, fact is that peptides does work in recovering from injuries like yours,.
Great post. This is what i've been looking for. I'm planning to use peptides for joint/tendon repair/healing because I constantly get hurt during practises. Maybe this will help. and because i'm also in school and feel that my memory has decreased in functions due to drug abuse, maybe this will help. All in all peptides soud really great.

I've also been think 'bout the dose and maybe i'll just use 1xED. That's the cheapest :p