My Year With 3J - a journey into fitness

An update - last night I actually got a full FOUR HOURS of sleep in one shot! That is DOUBLE what I had been getting for the last month. I am almost feeling human again. :)

I did not hit the gym at all this week, was too tired and run down. :( However, I got normal sleep yesterday (and actually felt good enough for sex - yay!). The day before that I got about 14 hours of sleep!!! I only woke up twice to pee and to eat! My wife was not even mad at me for wasting a Friday night sleeping the entire day away - that is how badly my sleep has been recently. I am going to hit the gym tonight for leg day even though it should be a rest day. I have had way too many rest days recently.

I lost 2 pounds! My measurements show my stomach is a bit smaller as well - and it feels smaller, if that makes any sense. I am never going to take feeling normal for granted again. I have always said that if something is not bad that means it is good, and now I have a great frame of reference for it. :)

I feel so much happier now that I am not on the Welbutrin - which should not be the case. Still have bad periods, especially at night, but that is just part of being human. One cannot have a good period without having a bad period upon which to gauge the good against.

I went back and looked at old (2 year ago) pics of myself to remind myself of where I used to be. I have come so far! I also have a new workout partner who is going to force me to go to the gym even if I feel run down...I seem to need that right now so I am glad he is here.

Onto the Stats:

*Weight: 192
*Neck: 16.25
*Chest: 40.5
*Stomach: 35.25
*Waist Line: 35.25
*Biceps: L: 12.75 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12
It is super tough to get motivated again to restart...dunno why, I enjoyed going to the gym. :(
My workout partner almost cut his one finger off - so he is not allowed to work out for some I snagged another workout partner, but he has already bailed on my two out of two times. Sigh...

Still waking up in the middle of the night, so I had a GREAT idea! When I wake up, I cannot get back to sleep for at least an hour. I am now going to go to the gym and work out when I wake up in the middle of the night. My gym is 24 hour and is literally a 5 minute drive away (if I hit the light, otherwise it is a 4 minute drive). I can go, work out, come home, shower, and then sleep again. Last night was my first test of it - and therefor I slept through the night without waking up. Not sure if I am happy or frustrated about that. :)
Just got back from the gym...clothes are in the washer and going to take a shower soon. Just finished the after workout meal. I know, a bit late at night, or rather early in the morning, but I was wide awake and rather than try to sleep and fail, I felt it better to force myself out of the rut and hit the gym. I am so fricken sore (did chest day) but happy I did it. I am hopeful this will help me sleep tonight, after I shower to return to being human again.

I hope this is the end of my failure and the beginning of my success. :)
Congrats on getting off the wellbutrin! I'm a little surprised that it was messing with your sleep as it's a dopamine agonist much like caber/prami. Then again, we're all different, so it's totally possible.

Your platelet count from last month is actually what got my attention. You are aware that TRT can also cause platelets to rise as well as RBC's, right? I'd look into apheresis as that takes care of three birds with one stone: RBC, platelets (both are actually what constitute hematocrit), and ferritin potential issues. My RDW and other cell markers are often off too if I do back to back donations, so I wouldn't stress over them.

I was also thinking about your sleep issue still messing with you, even after coming off the wellbutrin. Have you had a cortisol test done? Adrenals misbehaving can cause what is happening to you, and is definitely worth looking into if you haven't. It's also easily curable from multiple angles, such as changing around your carbohydrate timing to the evening. (obviously consult with 3J)

Glad you're at least feeling better. :)
Thanks! I am going to wait a little longer and then do another blood test to see what the numbers are when I am healthy. I have had sleep issues for a long time, but I always simply blamed the Navy for could be time to hit the doctor - especially since I have a good health care plan.

I kicked my own ass for not working out harder the previous weeks. At first it was understandable due to just how sick I was, but then you are right, I fell into a rut and found being sick an easy excuse to use...aka, too tired to work out. Well fuck that noise, even a bad work out is better than no work out. I managed to get in three workouts this week - Chest, shoulders, and legs. Next week (or rather, this upcoming week) I will get in all five.

My weight did go down, but by a paltry one pound, which can easily just be a normal fluctuation anyone can have. That bothers me, but it is my own dumb fault. I am going to add two or three cardio sessions (20 mins at about 135bpm) starting next week. Anyway, I feel freed from whatever was keeping me from making it to the gym....finally. Thanks for pushing me a bit there, I needed it.

Onto my stats:

*Weight: 191
*Neck: 16.25
*Chest: 40.5
*Stomach: 35.5
*Waist Line: 35.25
*Biceps: L: 13 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12

I hit the gym hard 4 days this week (missed leg day this week) and did 2 days of cardio. This upcoming week will be all 5 days and 3 days of cardio.

I have not gone to the doctor yet about my lower back pain, but I did figure out why it hurts on arm day (short form, I am an idiot who causes myself pain). I did a ton of reading and research and found I was simply using too heavy of weights. I have been lamenting that, even though I use heavy weights, my arms simply are not growing. One of the things I read was to reduce the weight and REALLY concentrate on the moves and make them VERY slow. I cut my weights all but in half and made sure I concentrated hard on the muscles involved and moved very slowly. Damn, it was super hard! I also noticed my lower back did not hurt afterwards. Intrigued, I stood sideways next to the mirror and grabbed my previous 4 rep weight and watched myself curl it. Sure enough, I was lifting with my other words, I was backing backwards to help my arm get past the harder points and get to the easier ones.

Now to solve the back issue when I walk. I am going to visit a specialty shoe store near where I live and have them look at my gait and see if that is the problem. It most likely is.

I really expected my weight loss to be higher than it was...since I was doing honest work at the gym, but I only lost 1 pound. Still, with fluctuations, I am not going to sweat it (rather sweat at the gym! Bah-dah-dum, bing!! Yes, I will not quit my day job) until next week is no or very little drop as well. One thing I DID notice is that my new vegetable mix actually contains some grains in it...something I did not notice before. While I doubt it is much, it is carbs and therefor will mess up my macros. I am going to be grabbing some fresh asparagus to eat with my meals this week - I love that stuff. Flash steam them in the microwave in a special container I have that was made for just that purpose. :) I also lost just a little around the next but grew just a little in the chest. The rest remained static.

One thing I CAN say is that I no longer feel sick or broken like I did the previous weeks. That was pure hell! I am back, really back this time. Nothing is going to stop me now from finishing this cut and looking amazing!

Onto the stats.

*Weight: 190
*Neck: 16
*Chest: 40.75
*Stomach: 35.5
*Waist Line: 35.25
*Biceps: L: 13 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12
Be prepared for a good change in my stats this week (at least in weight). I have been KILLING it at the gym this week! I dropped my weight pushed a LOT and started concentrating on slow movements, feeling the muscle the entire time. I realized my back pain on arm day was because I was doing curls with my back - apparently something common when the weight is too high. No more back pain on arm day - but MUCH more sore in the arms I must now be doing something very right.

The optimist in me says things are great! :)

I hit the gym all 5 days and did cardio 2 days this week. I FEEL better than I have in quite some time, and I feel a lot more SORE than I have in a quite some time as well. Well, scratch that, I felt all over sore in a general body ache while I was sick, but now I feel sore in my muscles, so a different kind of sore and a much more pleasant one.

I do not remember if I mentioned that I started taking Kung Fu lessons a bit ago. I stopped them, I simply did not gel with the instructor's style of teaching. I have started taking Kick Boxing once a week instead. THAT is a cardio workout (but I did not include it in my two above, so I suppose that makes three cardios this week). I enjoy it a lot more than Kung Fu - and my wife takes it with me. It gives us something we can do together and also we get to kick and punch the hell out of each other (holding pads and wearing gloves), so it has that added benefit. :)

I am happy to say I lost two pounds this week! It is interesting that my stats barely changed with a two pound drop in weight, but it is what it is.

Onto the stats.

*Weight: 188
*Neck: 16
*Chest: 40.75
*Stomach: 35.5
*Waist Line: 35.25
*Biceps: L: 13 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12

I am feeling a bit discouraged today - my weight went UP a pound instead of down. I have no idea why, I have actually been working harder than I have been the last few weeks and have been eating properly. If anything, I may have missed a meal here or there... I have decided to blame it on the universe wanting me to give up, but instead I am going to flip the universe off and increase my effort.

Anyway, onto the stats:

*Weight: 189
*Neck: 16
*Chest: 40.5
*Stomach: 35.5
*Waist Line: 35.25
*Biceps: L: 13 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12
HA! Found out I was supposed to be doing FOUR days of cardio and I was only doing TWO. That would explain a lot! :) I love simple solutions.

An interesting week. I felt more motivated than I have in a long time. I did 4 cardio sessions and all 5 workout days. My weight only went down 1 pound, but my stomach and waist both went down 1/4 inch AND my thighs went up 1/4 inch. I feel stronger as well, and tighter.

My decision to reduce my weights and concentrate on form and how my muscles feel during the reps is obviously a good one, my work outs are harder than ever, yet I feel better doing them - and I fear them less. I am confident I am getting a better workout for my muscles even though I am moving lighter weights. One of the big ones I dropped my weight a lot on was squats so I could squat a LOT deeper. Removing 50 pounds did not feel good, but I am happy I did.

Things are now progressing well and I should lose the rest of the fat I want to lose in short order.

Onto the stats:

*Weight: 188
*Neck: 16.25
*Chest: 41
*Stomach: 35.25
*Waist Line: 35
*Biceps: L: 13 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 24.25 R: 24.25
*Calves: L: 15.25 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12
Cybr's Stages of Working Out:

1. Man, I am too worn out / tired / busy to go to the gym today.

2. Fuck it, I know I will feel better when I am there, so I drag myself to the gym.

3. I hit the Red Light Therapy (Total Body Enhancement) room. It uses a pinkish light that supposedly does a bunch of beneficial stuff. I like that the floor can be made the shake and I get a small work out on my legs that the heat of the lights warms up my muscles. I play my music while in there (since it does not tan you, headphones are fine to wear) and by the time the 18 mins are over I am hot, slightly sweaty, and my prework out has fully kicked in, making me roaring and ready to show those steel plates who is the boss!

4. I work out whatever body part is for that day. It hurts. I adjust the numbers on my sheet up (or down) as needed so the next time I know what weights to move. When I am done with the weight training, I feel sore, I hurt, and I feel wonderful about it. I feel very manly.

5. I do one of my 4 cardio sessions for the week (none on leg day, obviously). 5 minutes into it, I hate myself and want to quit. 10 minutes into it I start feeling better since it is half over. 15 minutes into it I am feeling happy that I will succeed on another cardio session. 20 minutes into it and the cool down starts. I am exhausted. I feel like crap. I ask myself if looking amazing is worth this (and always answer yes).

6. I go home (5 minutes away from my gym), eat my post work out meal, toss the clothes in the wash, and shower. By the end of the shower, I am feeling good again. Still very sore, but no longer feeling like crap. I feel powerful again and happy I spent that hour at the gym. I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror and say "yes, it IS worth it", followed by the mandatory flexing of arms and chest...

It happens almost every time. Since it is so predictable, I was able to push out of my recent illness induced slump by simply forcing myself to go. Then my wife started going a few days to do extra cardio (she gets a lot of cardio during her Kung Fu class and her Kick Boxing Class already) and I cannot say no when the wife wants to work out with me. :)

I also noticed that if I am actually really tired (as in I keep nodding off at my desk at work), a short 1 hour nap brings me fully back to life (after my required 15 minutes of putzing around to wake up).

Does anyone other than me follow this cycle?
I actually look forward to certain workouts more than others. For example, I'm kind like you in your cycle for chest day but if it's back or leg day I actually get up and have my gym bag already packed and ready to go.

As for cardio though, I'm the same. Getting to the 15 minute mark (My cardio is 25 minutes a day X5.) is the most brutal but from there it's worth it. Trying to send out work related email while on the bike is a task in itself but it makes things go by faster. Emails tend to get messed up since the hot sweat that drips onto the touch screen seems to screw with things. By the end though, it feels well worth it every time. Only regret is not having done this so much earlier in life.

Keep at it!
I signed up for another year with 3J. This allows me to finish my cut, get another bulk in, and a final cut before he shows me how to maintain what I have for life.

In celebration of this, he is starting me on a Keto diet on Sunday...
I signed up for another year with 3J. This allows me to finish my cut, get another bulk in, and a final cut before he shows me how to maintain what I have for life.

In celebration of this, he is starting me on a Keto diet on Sunday...

Oh fun!

But I'm sure he'll get you where you want to be. He's been great with me so far!
I walked into the store today to buy pants and shirts, as the season is changing. I must be measuring wrong at home because the pants I pulled from the rack where way too big. Same with the shirts. I had to ask for the smaller sizes and they didn't have smaller sizes (It's a big boy shop in Japan). My boxers are always sliding down now, which is making things uncomfortable, reaching in to pull them up. It's all good though, happy stuff. I do hope that the weight loss continues.

I think I need to get another bodpod test done because the scale isn't moving much but the clothes are getting to be bigger, and I'm having to throw more away.
I think I need to get another bodpod test done because the scale isn't moving much but the clothes are getting to be bigger, and I'm having to throw more away.

I understand your pain of having to get rid of perfectly good clothing simply because you are not the man you used to be. :D