Myostatin inhibitors


Beast m0de never sleeps
I'm wondering if any of you guys know about it and can shed some light about if its worth investing in it or not.

When I was younger I saw a documentary on TLC called ''the world's strongest toddler'' It was about this boy named Liam who was 3 years old with the strength of a 6-7 year old, very low bodyfat and bigger than average muscles for a 3yo boy, I was really interested in the documentary, they mentioned he had something that blocked the myostatin in his body, hence why he was stronger, leaner than other kids his age.
I believe he's the only kid with those genes. They talked about myostatin inhibitors and how it blocks/gets rid of myostatin in the human body (myostatin is supposedly a hormone that limits how much a man can build muscle.
I know of one of our sponsors that sell myostatin inhibitors so I'm really curious to know if its worth buying or not, because it is quite costly.

Here's the documentary incase you guys wanna watch.

World's Strongest Toddler Part 1 of 3 - YouTube
I read some time ago a research with those myostatin blockers
Apparently some fellas with severe muscle degenerative disease gained an average of 1,5% lean mass in a short period of time (don't recall how long)
Scientists are cautious about this drug because they don't know the collaterals, that kind of scientist pussyness.
Anyway, there's nothing like that in the market, either in medication or supplement form. If you wanna get your hands in that shit, break into the lab they're producing it and get a few miligrams to use in jail.