Myth/Fact? Taking gear alts sex of your kids


New member
So guys, I was at the gym when I observed a conversation between two guys who one could see are well versed in the "know how" of Body Building, Gear and the over all mechanics of how the body works...

The argument/discussion was that gear alters a mans sperm "permanently" to some degree where men who take gear who have children have a higher propensity to have females than males?

Was curious to know the thoughts of the people on this board?

Now granted the argument is not that you cant have boys but that the statistical odd for having a daughter are far greater

What prompted me to post, lol, was looking at all the friends I have who use gear who have kids, oddly enough all have daughters...
Our spermatozoids r made from the process calles spermatogenesis. Out of 1 cell, we make 4 spermatozoids thru 2 mitosis and 1 meiosis. To make a long story short, a single gonad cell (containing chromosome X and Y) will make 2 X sperm and 2 Y sperm.

Depending on wich one gets to the female ovula firts, u get a boy (if its an Y one) or a girl if its a X one..

Steroids shut us down so we create less spermatozoids. Meaning a decreased spermatogenesis. Meaning les X and Y in an equal ratio. So technicaly we are less ''fertile'' equaly for boys or girls making.

I highly doubt that if u do juice, u have bigger odds of making baby girls...i dont see anything scientific that could support that assumption, since it all starts by a XY cell that splits into 2 X and 2 Y sperms....
well funny thing is I was on test an after 6 monthes my girl got prego and im proud to say its a bouncing baby boy healthy big and smart as a whip. He was born 10lb 8 oz 22 inches long 2 weeks early, I was over 10 myself 1 week early. He is an exact clone of me looks exactly like me and honestly I thought it was harder to get a girl prego on gear well for me not the case. Hes now 14 monthes and healthy as a horse.
well funny thing is I was on test an after 6 monthes my girl got prego and im proud to say its a bouncing baby boy healthy big and smart as a whip. He was born 10lb 8 oz 22 inches long 2 weeks early, I was over 10 myself 1 week early. He is an exact clone of me looks exactly like me and honestly I thought it was harder to get a girl prego on gear well for me not the case. Hes now 14 monthes and healthy as a horse.

Congratulations on your baby boy!

I mean yea the juice lowers our spermatogenesis, but for a normal person, who have a regular normal sperm count shouldnt have a problem conceiving while on juice...
Hell i got 3 kids and i dont remember for sure but theres good chances i was on when i made em :p
well funny thing is I was on test an after 6 monthes my girl got prego and im proud to say its a bouncing baby boy healthy big and smart as a whip. He was born 10lb 8 oz 22 inches long 2 weeks early, I was over 10 myself 1 week early. He is an exact clone of me looks exactly like me and honestly I thought it was harder to get a girl prego on gear well for me not the case. Hes now 14 monthes and healthy as a horse.

Congrats Bro!
So guys, I was at the gym when I observed a conversation between two guys who one could see are well versed in the "know how" of Body Building, Gear and the over all mechanics of how the body works...

The argument/discussion was that gear alters a mans sperm "permanently" to some degree where men who take gear who have children have a higher propensity to have females than males?

Was curious to know the thoughts of the people on this board?

Now granted the argument is not that you cant have boys but that the statistical odd for having a daughter are far greater

What prompted me to post, lol, was looking at all the friends I have who use gear who have kids, oddly enough all have daughters...

I took some form of gear for about 3 years straight and had sex with my wife(then girlfriend) about a gazillion times. About 3 months after I finally smartened up and took a break from all hormones, my wife got pregnant. I had a baby boy who was 11.8 lbs.. I think my semen still had test in it.. He's a beast.. :yesway:
I took some form of gear for about 3 years straight and had sex with my wife(then girlfriend) about a gazillion times. About 3 months after I finally smartened up and took a break from all hormones, my wife got pregnant. I had a baby boy who was 11.8 lbs.. I think my semen still had test in it.. He's a beast.. :yesway:

11.8 man.. your wife must have suffered hehe... My second baby girl was like 9 pounds and it was something to get her out of there :)
Funny cause Evan centopani and branch warren both girls lol maybe years of use as I bet they both started very very young
A friend of mine got 5 girls, then he said fuck it, im not trying for a boy anymore....He never did a cycle in his life...
One of my worst nightmares is knocking up my girl while "on" and having the gear somehow alter what would have been a little girl into a hyper-sexual Chaz Bono clone.

She'd be running around rubbing her ambiguous genitalia on the dog etc and I'd be contemplating teaching "her" to ride a bike on the freeway.
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One of my worst nightmares is knocking up my girl while "on" and having the gear somehow alter what would have been a little girl into a hyper-sexual Chaz Bono clone.

She'd be running around rubbing her ambiguous genitalia on the dog etc and I'd be contemplating teaching "her" to ride a bike on the freeway.

That is some funny shit and needed the laugh today on here is painful with idiots.

I was thinking just have anal sex so all the "children" are that same "sex".