Nagene nylon fitler issues


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Nalgene nylon fitler issues

Swim has been brewing his own gear for a bit now with no issues. Recently he switched from syring fiters to the Nalgene nylon filter because of easy use. He made two seperate batches using two different filters and followed the same exact procedure as before. This time there was pain at injection sight followed by flu like symptoms that lasted about a day. This happened everytime the product was used. Just wondering if anyone has any advice or knowlede of what may have happened. Since eveything was sterile and eveything else was exactly the same as when using syringe filters I have to think maybe the filter is to blame. Maybe the ba or bb effected it in a negative way? Anyone out there have any thoughts cause swim cant figure out whats going on. Thanks guys
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The .22 red ones. Did lots of research on which one to use and it seemed like most people said the .22 nylon was the way to go. There were many posts about the bottom cracking from pressure so swim only used 5-10 psi and did it slow. Swim saw one post about the bb eating away the filter after about 20 minutes and these batches took an hour or two to filter. Thats were the question came in, couldnt think of anything else.
Never used the red ones. I use the 150ml blue Nalgene when I need to make a small batch of something. I would try them. Never had a problem with cracking and I use 12-15 on the hand pump. 150ml in about 20 mins.
Swim has been brewing his own gear for a bit now with no issues. Recently he switched from syring fiters to the Nalgene nylon filter because of easy use. He made two seperate batches using two different filters and followed the same exact procedure as before.

When you said using two different filters, are you using a Syringe filter for one batch and a Nalgene filter for another batch?

This time there was pain at injection sight followed by flu like symptoms that lasted about a day. This happened everytime the product was used. Just wondering if anyone has any advice or knowlede of what may have happened.

I never used ba or bb in my brew, and have never had any flu symptoms. The only time I had flu symptoms was when I used UGL gears... horrible pain and flu symptoms for several days. The injection site was not red nor was it swollen, so I ruled out the possibility of an infection. Therefore, the other possibility is that it was the ba and or the bb that caused it.

Since eveything was sterile and eveything else was exactly the same as when using syringe filters I have to think maybe the filter is to blame. Maybe the ba or bb effected it in a negative way? Anyone out there have any thoughts cause swim cant figure out whats going on. Thanks guys

Were your ba and bb concentration different this time?
How hot was the oil when you filtered it? I believe the nalgene nylon filters are more sensitive to temperature than other filters.
Yes syringe filters have been used in the past with no issues but as soon as the nalgene filters were used product was bad. All BA/BB levels were the same as was everything else. After heating the oil it was left to cool till it was Luke worn before filtering through the nalgene. That's why I don't understand everything was exactly the same but with very different results. Thanks for all the input guys!
Yep thats the one except used the red nylon. Never tried the zap caps but the nalgene is really easy to use compared to the syringe filter. Smadizm1- you have never had any problems with the blue one, i was told it would not filter everything out? About to re filter the gear using a syringe filter then will try and see if I get sick, fingers crossed!
Jd24, the red nalgenes have a nylon membrane verses the blue nalgenes with a PES (Polyethersulfone) membrane. Although both are sterilized, the blue ones are radiation sterilized and are made for biological and pharmaceutical requirements. I think this is your problem taking that everything else during your process is correct. I have used them with no problems for 2 years and they have applications for up to 1000ml. I'm not sure your problem with getting sick is.
Ya some re filtering has been done to see if thats the actual problem. Its just hard to take something when you know how it made you feel in the past. Will be starting out with very small dose and go from there. Thanks for all your input!
If there's ANY ethyl Oleate in the gear, you need to be using a PVDF filter. I'd suggest using a PVDF filter no matter what. Also the Nalgene filter units are using Polystyrene to house the filter itself. So this means once your product goes through the filter, it will be sitting in a Polystyrene container until you bottle it. Polystyrene does not react well with olive oil or any carrier oils. If your finished batch in the container for prolonged periods of time, it will crack and eat through the container. So you shouldn't be using these Nalgene filters for brewing. Even if you're bottling right away. You don't have to take my word for it, call Nalgene and ask them about filtering pure oil with these units, they'll tell you it's a no no.

Solution: Milipore "Millicup" PVDF filters. They'll sit securely (with vaccum pressure applied) on top of an autoclaved, $10 borosilicate erlenmeyer flask. They're compatible with Ethyl Oleate and Carrier Oils. They're also about the same price. Once done you can cork the borosilicate erlenmeyer flask and store safely until you are ready to bottle.
Never had an issue using nalgenes, but I guess I'll switch over to millipores now. I also don't use EO and don't let it sit.
Ive used them all. Zap caps, millipore, nalgene PES and nylon. PVDF is the proper filter to use when using solvents. Ethyl oleate and even guaicol will dissolve the plastic used in the nalgene units. I really reccomend using syringe filters, or step up and go to sigma aldrich and buy real glass filtration hardware.
I have made good batches using all of the units above. But when I started using super solvents, I quickly learned which ones you are suppose to use.
Never had an issue using nalgenes, but I guess I'll switch over to millipores now. I also don't use EO and don't let it sit.

I've only had issues with red nalgenes when using brews with EO & Guaiacol. The filters melt fast making your solution cloudy or worse red shit floating in it. TNE and Winstrol (winny) in oil are the worst.

Still trying to find a proper soulution to this problem.