Natural options + introduction


New member
Hey all, not sure if this is the appropriate sub-forum for this, but here it goes.

I'm new here, been reading the stickies and searching around and thought I'd post up this question regarding 'natural' options.

I'm 22 years old, 5'11.5", 220lbs, and 14.5% BF. I've never experimented with any of this kind of stuff, but after this last year of training I didn't put on much more muscle. This is my 4th year of deticated training, I count my macros, and lift for muscular hypertrophy. I'm worried I've hit my genetic potential. My strength improves but muscle mass didn't over this past year.

I wanted to try some test supplements. I've read that <25yrs old should stay away from anabolics, but what about natural alternatives? I was thinking of trying N2Slin + DAA. Do you guys think I would see any results from that or just wait till I'm older to get in the more advanced stuff?

Thoughts, recommendations, comments?

Thanks guys
I don't have any experience with N2Slin, but I have had zero benefit from "natty test boosters" such as DAA regardless of brand. I'd get in touch with 3J (he moderates the diet forum) and see what he can do for you as diet is key to everything. You might be able to squeeze some more out of your natural potential this way. It speaks volumes that you've been doing research and are looking at alternatives before taking the plunge into AAS/PH, for that I commend you. :)

My .02c :)
Thanks ill try to track him down. I've been averaging 1.5g protein for each pound of body weight and weigh out all my foods and measure everything, so maybe he can find something I might be missing in my diet.

I've read the same about the natty stuff. But every now and then I see someone that likes it....must be the placebo effect lol
Thanks ill try to track him down. I've been averaging 1.5g protein for each pound of body weight and weigh out all my foods and measure everything, so maybe he can find something I might be missing in my diet.

I've read the same about the natty stuff. But every now and then I see someone that likes it....must be the placebo effect lol
I've been really impressed with 3J so far, so I can definitely recommend his services. Yeah, I don't understand all the hype about test boosters myself - but maybe it works for some folks? We are all different, but yeah placebo is one powerful effect!