Natural Test levels >1500 - Test Only 1st Cycle?


New member
New to this site, although have done a lot of research on here and just lurking. I am 28 years old, lifting for 5 years, although taking it far more seriously past 2-3 years. 5'11, 8-9% body fat, 182lbs (started at 140lbs few years ago), and all has been naturally just from eating and lifting.
I have been contemplating running a test only cycle 10-12wks, HCG, and PCT two weeks following last injection. I have done quite a bit of research and always overly cautious with anything I do to my body.

Here's my big question and what I cannot seem to find information about.. I just had my pre cycle blood work done, and came to find out my test levels are reading greater than (>1500) 1500.

- Is there danger in doing a test only cycle with my levels already being this high?
- Is there a better alternative cycle to run for someone in my situation?

Thank you greatly for any advice
That is absolutely baffling that your levels are that high, what did your physician say, and did your physician see your blood work yet?

I would not even consider dabbling with any anabolics at this moment, your levels are rather high, and I'm questioning what your cholesterol is at... could you provide us with the rest of your blood work?

Now just another way to look at this, you're sitting in a pretty good position where a lot of people strive to meet on just low dosages... I would continue naturally at this point and just really dial in your diet and increase the volume and intensity with your lifts..

The only other thing I would consider in your situation would be maybe a peptide IFG1 and/or an appetite stimulant,GHRP6... and stay away from pro hormones and get in your BCAAs...

I'm sorry it's not the answer you're probably hoping for, but it's the only reasonable thing I can think about considering...
There is no more danger for you than someone with low Natty TT. You just have more to lose. A guy who is at 450ng/dl that can't restart his HPTA might not be as pissed as you would be if you have to go on TRT. Everytime you run a cycle there is a risk that PCT doesn't work and you have to go on TRT. It happens.

Also, there is a chance the lab made an error. I would run the labs again and get the LC/MS assay that is more accurate.

I suppose there is a remote possibility that there is something wrong that could be making you Hypergonadal.
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oh you lucky hard to believe this get some other lab to see exact reading, there is no danger except that you can fuck your good levels in future, in your place I would stay away from roids.
Yah man with levels like that mna , u are on topp of your game . u Completely risk losing that if u runa cycle . u may and probably wont return to lvls like that after cycle . I mean im no doctor but ur taking a gamble . You should embrace the blessing man and roll with it as long as u can or until u plateau , geneticly im sure u can still gain alot more . Eat to get big man . Then in the future if u start dropping and choose to , do it . Ur lucky man .
By chance did you use a ECLIA testing method? Because they tend to cap off at 1400-1500... I'm wondering if your levels are in fact higher...

I put together a thread and regards to reading blood work, I would suggest getting a LS/MS/MS next time, in fact if you did this on your own without the instructions of a physician,I would contact your family physician, and make an appointment and take it from there...
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Doctor has seen the labs, said that my levels were very high but it was nothing to be worried over. My cholesterol levels are higher than they should be, both my parents have high cholesterol as have I since a very young age.

I will take some screen shots of the rest of my labs once home, and see what you guys think.

I greatly appreciate all the advice. I will certainly look into the peptide route, as I would like to do anything I can do better my gains and chances of putting on some more size if possible. I continue to play with my diet, caloric intake, and workouts, but with how much I do currently, I know I should be seeing better gains than I am.

Blood work was done at my doctors office (Kaiser Medical)
Just my humble opinion, do not even consider any AAS, injections or orals...

I figured your cholesterol was most likely elevated as that is probably playing a pivotal role on why your levels are also so high...

What was your HDL, vs your LDL?

I would not get too crazy with being concerned about cholesterol, I would suggest to keep a keen eye on it but cholesterol is greatly misunderstood, in fact it's one of the most misunderstood molecules, especially in this lifestyle..
I would heed any advice that your physician suggests and if nothing was alarming to him then you're good to go.. and like I was going to suggest prior I figured there was a family predisposition, with the genetics... just roll with it brother because you're in a good position my man, from a particular standpoint
Just my humble opinion, do not even consider any AAS, injections or orals...

I figured your cholesterol was most likely elevated as that is probably playing a pivotal role on why your levels are also so high...

What was your HDL, vs your LDL?

I would not get too crazy with being concerned about cholesterol, I would suggest to keep a keen eye on it but cholesterol is greatly misunderstood, in fact it's one of the most misunderstood molecules, especially in this lifestyle..
I would heed any advice that your physician suggests and if nothing was alarming to him then you're good to go.. and like I was going to suggest prior I figured there was a family predisposition, with the genetics... just roll with it brother because you're in a good position my man, from a particular standpoint

HDL 38
LDL 186

LDL was higher over the years but with good eating I have managed to lower it quite a bit

So given all of this, would it be worth trying IGF1 or something of that sort? Would love to do what I can to safely help me in any way possible. Will definitely continue to work on diet and maybe try an appetite stimulant as you suggested before.

Thank you again!
HDL 38
LDL 186

LDL was higher over the years but with good eating I have managed to lower it quite a bit

So given all of this, would it be worth trying IGF1 or something of that sort? Would love to do what I can to safely help me in any way possible. Will definitely continue to work on diet and maybe try an appetite stimulant as you suggested before.

Thank you again!

Your going to hear conflicting opinions with this one, but I personally seen more evidence supporting IGF1 with naturally high test levels can in fact yield good,slow, quality gains..It will assist with recovery and new tissue growth.. I would suggest using it with GHRP6.. Use IGF1 x 1 PWO, and the GHRP6 3-4 x daily pre meal (appetite stimulation).. you can cycle these from 4-6 weeks..

For a even greater appetite stimulation effects, you could incorporate some Periactin (cyproheptadine), It's a antihistamine and often utilized to support appetite in wasting diseases or disorders such as anorexia.. It can/may make you drowsy,but this can be utilized to your advantage with rest/recovery (considering the PEPS and your soon to be newly structured training/diet routine)....

Megace is an other appetite stimulating agent used in the medical field for AIDS and cancer patients,however it's shown to lower natty test and possibly possesses some LH suppression, so forget that if you stumble over it upon any research that you do.. ( I just wanted to put this out there is you did any research)

Also, maybe add some b12 , either oral or injections..Injections seem to be far superior.. You can score some online at almost any vet store on the web, or at a local tractor supply if you have one near by..

Good luck man, and keep us posted!

Just my suggestions..
We all hate your f-ing guts for having t-levels that high natty. Lol. I'm sitting over here on the Jv squad with 350 natty levels. For real tho man, you are one lucky bastard. I would not f this up until my levels went considerably down. All that said, I agre with Bros above. Get another test. Pay extra if you have to to find out the real number
We all hate your f-ing guts for having t-levels that high natty. Lol. I'm sitting over here on the Jv squad with 350 natty levels. For real tho man, you are one lucky bastard. I would not f this up until my levels went considerably down. All that said, I agre with Bros above. Get another test. Pay extra if you have to to find out the real number

Hahaha right!

I score 1100 on 250-300 test, and that is actually good for me.. That has been the average for me for long as I can remember, human grade or not.... :(
LOL whats up with all these trolls lately, one trying to go on trt at 766 levels, the other one with natty T higher than Ulises jr on cycle
Your going to hear conflicting opinions with this one, but I personally seen more evidence supporting IGF1 with naturally high test levels can in fact yield good,slow, quality gains..It will assist with recovery and new tissue growth.. I would suggest using it with GHRP6.. Use IGF1 x 1 PWO, and the GHRP6 3-4 x daily pre meal (appetite stimulation).. you can cycle these from 4-6 weeks..

For a even greater appetite stimulation effects, you could incorporate some Periactin (cyproheptadine), It's a antihistamine and often utilized to support appetite in wasting diseases or disorders such as anorexia.. It can/may make you drowsy,but this can be utilized to your advantage with rest/recovery (considering the PEPS and your soon to be newly structured training/diet routine)....

Megace is an other appetite stimulating agent used in the medical field for AIDS and cancer patients,however it's shown to lower natty test and possibly possesses some LH suppression, so forget that if you stumble over it upon any research that you do.. ( I just wanted to put this out there is you did any research)

Also, maybe add some b12 , either oral or injections..Injections seem to be far superior.. You can score some online at almost any vet store on the web, or at a local tractor supply if you have one near by..

Good luck man, and keep us posted!

Just my suggestions..

Really really appreciate your advice. I'm not adverse to slower gains, for safety and for the sake of possibly not ruining my test levels down the road. Certainly going to change up my research and start looking at the above suggested stuff instead. Really glad I got blood work done, and asked on here prior to starting.
Vitamin B12 727 pg/mL >=200 pg/mL
Testosterone, TOTAL >1500 ng/dL >=240 ng/dL
Cholesterol 240 mg/dL <=239 mg/dL
Triglyceride 82 mg/dL <=499 mg/dL
HDL 38 mg/dL >=40 mg/dL
Low density lipoprotein calculated 186 mg/dL <=159 mg/dL
TSH 0.58 uIU/mL 0.10 - 5.50 uIU/mL
Creatinine 1.24 mg/dL <=1.34 mg/dL
ALT 40 U/L 0 - 36 U/L

Side note, was trying to post photos of lab results, and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this attachment uploader deal to work? Any easy way to upload few photos ?
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Wow, you have fantastic blood work results! The items that are barely out of range aren't anything to lose sleep over at all. I totally agree with Vision in that cholesterol is soooooooooooo misunderstood, and has become the new bogeyman of the 21st century. I too would like to see a retest using a mass spec lab (LC MS/MS) just in case the lab goofed, and even toss in estradiol as well as LH and FSH for general information.

If you truly are sitting on a HEALTHY (which it seems) hypergonadal value - keep doing what you're doing. Genetics really seem to be in your favor - but I won't hold that against you. :)