Navy Diver Sustanon And Clen

4th pin today! Man this low dose of test has just lightened my mood. Im noticing more vascularity. I cant stop smiling. I feel like a teenager again! unbeleiveable. This is so tempting to never get off of it! Everything good must come to an end i suppose.
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Since you were only 9-10% body fat to begin with, do you think you needed the clen?

Additionally, to what extent do you think that the lack of clen would have effected your progress?
Holy shit man! Great progress already. Keep workin hard. Watch the B/P brother.

Also, that's good to hear the Navy doesn't check for steroids. I'll be an officer with them soon enough (about to graduate as a nurse).
Im in the Navy as well as an MA2. I started my first cycle of Test Cypionate (600/wk) and D-bol(25mg/day). Thought i'd bulk up a lil before I go to Afganistan in november. I have to say you've made some gains. I have as well. I'll post up my cycle in a few minutes.
Hello all! Im back! Update. Unfortunately I have not been accepted into the Search and Rescue World yet. I took some time off to complete my apprenticeship. I am however still trying.
I made great gains with my cycle and cut up with the clenbuterol. When I came off I was running Clomid 50 mg a day for 3 weeks (I think). I felt shut down.. I remember walking with my girlfriend at the time and feeling like I could cry. I knew at that point I was feeling the results of being shut down. Infact I wrote an emo song that night. (just kidding)

Thanks for the support.
Nice work Burt!
When was the 2nd set of pictures taken? How long after the week 1 stats, I mean? Its a big transformation, dude. More lean.

Also, since diving has come up on this thread, it saves me starting a new thread.
I have been away from diving for 1½ years now, but planning to go back again (work-related) next year. The job-offer came up a bit unsuspectingly, and hopefully I will have finished my cycle before. But maybe not. Worst case scenario, I will be on my PCT (Nolva/Clomid) while doing the diving. Will that cause any problems? Comments?
At the time, I was working on an understanding that it was hardest to get rid of old fat. I have fat stores that I can't seem to get rid of in my face. I figured that the clenbuterol would help me get rid of the hardest to reach black fat store.
The lack of clen would have effected the extreme energy levels I had in the gym. I was beasting through my workouts with tonnes of energy.

Looking back on it, taking the clen was unnecessary. Cleaning up my diet would have been the way to go.
I did not have any problem while diving up to 150 ft on nova/clomid. Test it out though. If you feel un easy, just say that you can't clear your ears. What sort of diving do you do?
I got my dive PADI dive certification in college for a research trip. I have enjoyed it so much that i have increased the depth and duration of my dives (and certifications for those dives). You may be ok diving shallow on most of those AAS and other ancilliaries, but if you get to the point where you are diving with nitrox, heliox, or trimix--you would be a fool to take a compoud that would alter normal cellular respiration. If you get into trouble at 100+ feet, it is a lonely feeling. You may get lucky and get sick as hell, but you may not be so lucky. I lost my weight belt when i dove the Oriskany...shit went haywire and I made a two stop ascent into a single. I was completely F**ked.

You know those tables. Look at your dive times. Now toss clen (something that leaves you short of breath watching tv) in there. I am not flaming you. I just want to put things into perspective. If you screw up at might as well be on the moon.

Thanks for the comments. The upcoming dive-job isnt that extreme, so in that case if I would be on my last weeks of PCT (nolva/clomid) and not getting any trouble, I would be happy.
But for the future, we are talking about Nitrox/Heliox/Trimix (technical diving, +300ft), so I might need to down-prioritize my agenda of becoming the next green hulk!
Yes Joliver. You are correct. I do not do any mix diving. If you are diving at any depth where you start to feel narced, it really does come down to the individuals physiology, ability to handle stress, dose of clen, and comfort level. I do not condone others to do this.. Im just saying it didn't bother me at the dosage I took, doing the task that I was doing.

Are you going to be using a rebreather Wheyson?
Joliver, shit gets real and fast, underwater when things go wrong. That situation sounds very very scary.

I should also mention that when we dive, we dive attached to another person on 15 ft buddy line. It does bolden you while diving, as I have a lot of confidence in my partners.
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