
Livin' the dream....
First off thanks to you guys for getting me thru my 1st simple cycle of test! Got a lot of good info from reading your threads and hanging around for the past few months!

1st cycle of 500mgs test (crappy mex. gear) for 14 weeks and I gained about 18 pounds, after PCT, 10 pounds. nolva/clomid

Now I'm sitting on 12,000mgs of British Dragon Cypoinate - 10,000mgs of B.D Deca, and Arimedx,Nolva,Clomid for PCT.

What I plan to run...
CYCLE week 1-16
week 1-16 test cyp. 600mgs E.W.
week 1-12 Deca 300mgs E.W.
week 1-16 armidex .5mg E.D.
PCT week 18-22
week 18-20 Nolva 40mgs E.D.
Week 18-20 Clomid 100mgs E.D.
Week 20-22 Nolva 20mgs E.D.
Week 20-22 Clomid 50mgs E.D.
Milk Thistle/CLA/ALA/Amino Fuel(twin labs)L-glute /L-arg./L-ornt.

Diet: eat clean/5000 cals per day/eat/sleep/lift/very strict

Stats: 38 y/o, 190lbs, 6'0, 12%b/f, train hard.

I would like to hear your thoughts about this cycle! I might run down to T.J. and pick up some HCG but keeping things simple I would like to inject less... but 'nut' size is important, knowing the deca/test will shut me down hard.

Also what about the stack? Should I inject it all at once, or two injectctions? I am partial to the glutes (being a newbie) Does it matter? I have not found any info or a thread on that yet....
Thanks for your thoughts...
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That cycle looks pretty good! My personal preference is to do 2 separate injections per week (M/Th). I am also partial to the glutes, but I also use my shoulders quite a bit as well. It does not matter; it is a matter of personal preference where you inject, just switch glutes each time. HCG will help a lot though, I am using it now and it is making a world of a difference for me, I actually have my nuts back. You should be good to go on that cycle, best of luck!
I'm surprissed you gained so little in your first cycle....any idea what you were doing wrong ? 10lbs is still good but at your weight ( unless your mega short) and the way you look to have your diet/training and supps nailed..I would have expected more...not bashing just wondering what you think you could have improved on the first cycle ?
Lucky13 said:
I'm surprissed you gained so little in your first cycle....any idea what you were doing wrong ?

I feel like what I have kept so far is a good gain. 10lbs and holding onto it. I know that I was not eating enough when I started my first cycle. I am a hardcore clean eater and usualy eat about 2000 cals. a day, mainly protein. My daily carbohydrate intake pre cycle was about 20-50grms (yeah, I said 20-50grms) a day. I was able to stay really, really, vascular and lean, around a 8-9% BF 24/7-365

I have since REVISED this for my second cycle. But what needs to be mentioned is, I went from a fat 285 pounds at age 30 all the way down to a low 149lbs at age 33. And have leveled off at 180 11%bf now, age 37. Looking better and feeling better than ever before! So eating is a cautious activity for me.
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When eating clean it is hard to blow up like one who bulks on dirty foods. Ive noticed a serious difference in quality gains while cycling on clean food. Although the scale doesnt jump as much its better muscle.
bro, what other opinions do you want? Test/Deca is bread and butter and your post cycle therapy (pct) is solid -- go get em
10 lbs clean after is a good amount. Enough people gain 25 (5 or which is water and 10 of which is fat lol) and loose it after.

It looks like you got everything in check man, go ahead!
I was going to post my response that I sent you in your PM but I deleted it. Oh well, you know what I think anyways...
Lucky13 said:
I'm surprissed you gained so little in your first cycle....any idea what you were doing wrong ?

who are you to say anything? youve never even done a real cycle. I mean Anavar (var) was too harsh for you. please give up life....
McShizzle said:
who are you to say anything? youve never even done a real cycle. I mean Anavar (var) was too harsh for you. please give up life....
i was thinking the samething , this guy gives some of the worst advice ever, ten pounds after all is said and done is pretty good. Your second cycle test/deca looks good enjoy it and keep us posted on your progress.