need a little cycle substitution help


New member
hey bro's,
i am in week 3 of my tren/prop/winny cycle....
i have aprrox a dozen cycles under my belt....i'm 33yrs old.

my question is: my propianate is running out, and unfortunatley i will not be receiving my package with the rest of my prop.( seizure) however i do have 6 bottles of QV cyp 200....

i know everyone says "test is test"...but would it be smart to start hitting the cyp now, while i still have some propianate because of the different esters?
thanx in advance.....
god bless
There is going to be some lag time between feeling the cyp at work and quitting the prop. It takes me almost two weeks tfor the cyp to kick in. You might want to throw in some anti - E's to keep the bloat from the cyp down.
i agree with paulie r. i would take the prop and spread it out and front load some cyp(600mg) on top of prop. therefore, by the time the cyp kicks in your prop will be gone. run some letrozole about 1.25 mg ed so the aromitization will be minimal
I wouldn't of even started the cycle unless I had everything right there in front of me. But I would front load the cyp as well. And since its looks like a cutting cycle, I wouldn't go higher than 400mg a week of cyp and keep some nolvs or liquidex on hand for any possible bloating.