need a sweet bulker for my comp.


New member
Ok, im gonna do my first comp in june. im am about half way done with my curent cycle and i think i need atleast one more to compete. i was thinking of doing a short cycle (6 weeks) with esterless or small ester gear.

i was thinking some where along the lines of:

weeks 1-6: test prop 100mged
weeks 1-6: tren acetate 50mg ed
weeks 1-6: Durabolin 75mg ed

toss me some comments
I think you should just add an oral to Winstrol (winny) or d-bol. may have some progesterone sides with tren and durabolin.
TechChemY said:
I think you should just add an oral to Winstrol (winny) or d-bol. may have some progesterone sides with tren and durabolin.

yeah, i figured i would. i might just use the durabolin instead of tren or vice versa.

i forgot about an oral. i will most likely toss in dbol
For bulkers my moto is to stick with what has proven to work time and time again. A simple Test/Deca/Dbol is tough to beat. Of course Fina can be substituted for the Deca and actually these days you would probably find more people lean towards using the Fina then the Deca. Also I would just like to add that if you think about the true meaning of a "bulker" for the purpose of a competition, then it can be seen why they should be longer then average cycles. Quality, keepable muscle is not put on in short amounts of time. "Quick" muscle is nice to have for a vacation or something like that, but at a show you can bet that the judges will be able to tell the difference.
id say if ur going 6 weeks, stretch dbol for 6 weeks, and run the tren and prop as planned
Nutri-Wrestler said:
yeah. who knows, i might just extend this one for a little while longer and get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

What are you on right now?
wks 1-8 Test E 1g/wk
wks 1-4 Deca 600/wk
wks 5-8 Deca 300/wk
wks 5-12 Tren 700/wk
wks 9-12 100Prop ED + 75 DurablinED
wks 1-4 dbol, halo, etc whatever
wks 5-12 40 Anavar (var) ED