Need Advice About Winstrol


New member
Hi people actually I am 32 years old, 104kg and I am on TRT using Test Enanthate 75mg every 4 days and 300iu hcg every 3 days, My question is if i can add Winstrol(Stanozolol) Injectable in order to lose fat and weight, I would appreciate if you guide me a lil more into this and recommend me some books pls. thanks
Winstrol isn't a miracle worker that will drop fat and weight like you are probably thinking. Diet will do that. If your diet isn't where it should be then adding more gear will be a waist.

Winstrol is best used for when bodyfat is under 10%. It does have some unwanted sides with it. Most will use it for contest prep. What is typically used for contest prep to obtain an unnatural look isn't something that the average user can pull off for periods of time.

How is your diet and what are your stats?