Need advice ASAP bad injection!


New member
Hey Guys, I pinned last week and 8 days later my injection site still hurts, it is not warm to touch and is not red. But it hurts to sit on and feels like the pain has gotten worse. Any tips would be greatful
No flu like symptoms, no fever, if anything just a little anxiety. I heated it earlier today and massaged it didn't really do much.
How many times you pin that muscle? Which muscle did you pin? You could of hit a nerve. I hit one in my quad my first cycle I was hobbling around like I got shot for a week due to the immense pain.
I don't believe this is an infection due to it not being the redness or swelling. The anxiety is from you over thinking it. Give it time, keep an eye on it, don't worry too much. If flu symptoms, redness, itchiness,
or swelling occurs seek medical attention. But honestly dude i think you hit a nerve. Give it time and be careful to inject in the proper location.
It is my second cycle total its my 6th time pinning my left Glute I pined the top kinda to the side since I pinned myself.
Good its starting to clear up just must of been a high BA or just a bad injection but all in all alot better
Shit happens man, as long as the spot does get hot to touch and you don't have a fever then you will be ok. Im sure every one at this has had at least one doozy injection bro, I know I have.
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Yeah was pretty worried there for a min not gonna lie def glad that it all worked out tho, on another note been on cycle for 3 weeks now got my 4th pin tomorrow morning started at 174 sitting at 186 now
i pinned a few days ago and my left check is hot and swollen. hurts to sit down or touch it. i am doing genza pharm sust270. super painful too.