Need advice for cycle


New member
I need some advice on dosage for a cycle I want to start. I'm thinking of running sust and tren h/parabolan for 10 weeks. I'm not sure how to dose it i have heard a few people say sust twice a week and tren once. I am not an expert on this subject and that's why I'm asking. This will be my second cycle and i also would like to hear some recommendations on post cycle therapy (pct). I also have some eq from stealth injectables and was curious if anyone has ever used their products before. Also i have heard to take dbol or anadrol for the first and last few weeks. Any input would be appreciated. I know people are going to ask whats my % bf stuff like that. Im probably around 15-20%. I'm 6 foot 195 lbs. and i have my mind made up that i am going to do another cycle. Ready to hear any and all suggestions thanks!
u have alot more research to do before u consider using tren and even test for that matter , first cycle should be test only 500mg per week for 12 weeks , u need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or arimidex and post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid and nolva , id also recommend hcg , do a bit more research , figure out your doses and timelines , create a cycle for yourself and we will critique it for you, if u have cycled before which honestly sounds wierd because u seem clueless about the whole subject , u should know a bit more , aslo something tells me u are too young as well
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im 25 years old. and again i never claimed to be an expert. The first cycle i did i bought from a guy that goes to my gym. It was by a lab named Konig. To be honest i truly think the gear was fake. It was stanodex 325 test blend and eq 200. ran it for 10 weeks, 2 shots a week on mon and thursday of each. saw very little results when it came to size, however, i did get stronger. i think it was a mental thing.
^^^ I agree with all the above! And if you think your first cycle was fake I wouldn't even count it as a cycle. Get a good source and just run Test for 10-12 weeks. Personally I don't like Sust. Your not ready for Tren! Have proper pct ready. Read all the stickies.
Run a Test only cycle i recommend Test E long ester fewer pins and results will be good with solid diet and lifting routine keep it simple bro read up ask questions and be safe. im new to this site but have been in the game a while these dudes do know what they are talking about and give great advice with your best interest in mind your mind is made up you said but be smart.
^^I agree, but if you can handle the eod pins then you may be better off with test p just for the simple reason that you can't say you ran a real cycle and therefor do not know how your body will respond; the prop would make it much easier to take care of gyno if it occurs. Some people cannot take the eod stabbing themselves, though. jm2c
well my girl is a nurse so she wont mind eod pins, she will probably get some type of sick pleasure from all of it. what labs do you recomend? i know that i have to do a cycle of test but i was unsure of which one because there are several. roughly how many mg/ml a week? and would it be ok to stack with this eq that i already have? have any of you ever heard of stealth injectables? a friend of mine gave me some eq that he got from ivitamins. They come in those satchets so he became frusturated with them the first time he tried to use them and gave them all to me. Its 200mg and i have about 40 mls. Also what should i get for pct? i seen some people said clomid and nolva, but how much? and how often?
well my girl is a nurse so she wont mind eod pins, she will probably get some type of sick pleasure from all of it. what labs do you recomend? i know that i have to do a cycle of test but i was unsure of which one because there are several. roughly how many mg/ml a week? and would it be ok to stack with this eq that i already have? have any of you ever heard of stealth injectables? a friend of mine gave me some eq that he got from ivitamins. They come in those satchets so he became frusturated with them the first time he tried to use them and gave them all to me. Its 200mg and i have about 40 mls. Also what should i get for pct? i seen some people said clomid and nolva, but how much? and how often?

fuck that. The only one that pins me is me!