I need some advice on dosage for a cycle I want to start. I'm thinking of running sust and tren h/parabolan for 10 weeks. I'm not sure how to dose it i have heard a few people say sust twice a week and tren once. I am not an expert on this subject and that's why I'm asking. This will be my second cycle and i also would like to hear some recommendations on post cycle therapy (pct). I also have some eq from stealth injectables and was curious if anyone has ever used their products before. Also i have heard to take dbol or anadrol for the first and last few weeks. Any input would be appreciated. I know people are going to ask whats my % bf stuff like that. Im probably around 15-20%. I'm 6 foot 195 lbs. and i have my mind made up that i am going to do another cycle. Ready to hear any and all suggestions thanks!