Need Advice from Experince Members of the Forum


New member
Hello there,
I m working out for about 6 Year. I m a Hard gainer. weight 68Kg, Height 5.11

I decided to Pin some TEST E. It was my First Cycle. A doctor which is friend of mine was helping me with it(Injecting and all)

Week 1-5
TEST E 250mg (From Bayer Pakistan)
Didnt got any progress so decided to double the dosage after a week break.

Week 6

Week 7 to 10
TEST E 500mg Mon-Thursday
No Such progress seen
I have stopped taking TEST E and going to complete 2 week rest.

Now i m looking to hit a second cycle which will be a STACK of TEST E and Dianabol. But i dont want to wait for post cycle therapy (pct) and TIME OFF.

My Questions:
1: Can I start my Second Cycle right after 2 week rest from the first cycle? or Should i MUST take post cycle therapy (pct) and wait TIME ON + post cycle therapy (pct) = TIME OFF?

2: If in this case post cycle therapy (pct) is important, What should i take in post cycle therapy (pct)? I have Nolva 10mg with me and how long should i wait for my second cycle? MINIMUM time i want to know actually?

Body reaction:
Testicles are Good in size, Sex Power is rocking, libido is good.

I would really be thankful if get some advice from you people. Thanks in advance,
If in cycle of 500 mg testosterone a week there was no any progress, you should seriously doubt your gear. Maybe it was not test e at all, or the concentration of substance was too low. In both cases, there is no need for PCT
If in cycle of 500 mg testosterone a week there was no any progress, you should seriously doubt your gear. Maybe it was not test e at all, or the concentration of substance was too low. In both cases, there is no need for post cycle therapy (pct)

Unless he verifies any of that with blood work or having his left over gear tested he should run a post cycle therapy (pct). Its his first cycle (ran badly) so I doubt he knows by feel what is legit or not and even then that's guess work. Also he ran a low dose for the first 5 weeks then took a week break.

Test e takes a while to kick in and at his low dose and then taking a break I'm not surprised he is saying he didn't feel anything. We also no nothing of his diet or training. To be honest I'm not even sure how serious his post should be taken. I doubt his "doctor" friend would have him run a cycle like that. Not to mention his statement about not wanting to post cycle therapy (pct) screams troll. Only reason I'm responding to you is due to being bored at work.

Plus I like hearing myself type.
If you've been training six years and your still only 68kg I think it's your diet and training you need to take a look at not AAS,

Just my opinion though
Do more research please you really need it. A post cycle therapy (pct) should be like this 4 weeks of each compound; Nolvadex and Clomid; Nolvadex aat 60/40/40/20. Clomid at 100/50/50/25.
So much wrong with that cycle i dont want to get started...but i will...Why are you ramping test E? Where is your AI? a your "break" mid cycle is a terrible idea as your blood hormone levels will get so out of wack as your body tries to regain homeostasis. Where did you doctor friend get his licence to practice? Dr. Nicks school of medicine and other stuff? He should know better
you did 5 weeks of hormone replacement then a week off then a 4 week attempt at a starter cycle ... you cant count this as success and move on to multiply compounds, you have no idea how you really respond to simple test, other than no allergy .

do it again 500 a week or 600 from day 1 for 12 weeks and get some AI
The problem is your diet, you don't need steroids you need to eat more. You aren't going to see the results you want even with gear if you don't eat enough.
Thank you (ALL) yeah i was a dumb, the doctor told me that cycle, didn't do any research my self,
Thanks again,
but now the cycle is over (I know it was bad) but how to finish this terrible cycle? with a post cycle therapy (pct) or not? I have Nolva 20mg with me?

for next cycle i will do my research first! but how much break should i give before starting a PROPER NEW CYCLE OF TEST E ONLY 500mg for 12 weeks?

on my next cycle i will more concentrate of my DIET

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Thank you (ALL) yeah i was a dumb, the doctor told me that cycle, didnt do any research my self,
Thanks again,
Mr. bhrees said i should run a 12weeks cycle again of TEST E 500mg,
So should i run post cycle therapy (pct) to recover from my first cycle or just start taking test e 500mg for 12ws?

My 2weeks Break is completed,
and on my next cycle i will more concentrate of my DIET

Have bloods done before your cycle.
Thank you (ALL) yeah i was a dumb, the doctor told me that cycle, didn't do any research my self,
Thanks again,
but now the cycle is over (I know it was bad) but how to finish this terrible cycle? with a post cycle therapy (pct) or not? I have Nolva 20mg with me?

for next cycle i will do my research first! but how much break should i give before starting a PROPER NEW CYCLE OF TEST E ONLY 500mg for 12 weeks?

on my next cycle i will more concentrate of my DIET


Yes, run a post cycle therapy (pct) for this abortion of a cycle as the others have mentioned. Time off = time on + post cycle therapy (pct) as you mentioned, so you need to let your body have a nice break of about 14 weeks give or take. Do you really want to take a chance of shutting yourself down permanently otherwise? Your dick will thank you later. ;)

My .02c :)
I call bunk gear bro. For post cycle therapy (pct) you should take adequate time off. there's no point in just jumping onto another cycle unless you want to risk damaging your hpta. I'd get some clomid and dose at:

clomid: 100/50/50/25

You can also add nolva at 20/20/20/20 if you want
/\ just to clarify this for him
You will have run 100mg( ill run 50 on my case) of clomid everyday on the first week...then 50mg everyday on the second week and so on...

That goes for Nolva as well..these 2 pcts should be enough for you

Awhile you take your break like some guys said 14 weeks, do some reasearch, get your diet checked,
And your workout sets... You said you been working out over 6 yrs, so 4 more months wouldn't be a big deal, better than be fucked up later on..