Need advice on a cheap bulking diet


New member
New to Forum guys and Im on a budget and would like to bulk more before starting a cycle. Im currently helping my family get out a financial situation but can afford some things. I would like to start a cycle but after my bulk gets going. I just need a solid diet mainly that would work with my inconsistant work schedule as I have two jobs and a college student. Im 23 yo, 6'2 185lbs. Ive been working out for two years but due to work its as consistant as possible.

Any advice would be appreciated, thank you guys.
You need to figure out your TDEE before anything else. Nobody can help you without that information. BF% would help too.
Repost those pics you have in your other thread and that will help with the bf% estimate
If you don't know what tdee is then google it...
And you don't need to just bulk for a bit and then to get as much lbm as genetically possible before you cycle...a few months of bulking is not good enough my friend
Oatmeal, pasta, brown rice, beans, corn, broccoli, cabbage,chicken, and ground beef and cottage cheese are the staples of my cheap bulking diet
And lots of milk. Eat 5-6 solid meals a day, 2 protien shakes. If u drink 2 cups of milk with every meal, thats an extra 16 grams of protein every meal