Need advice on cycle dbol, test c, deca, tren


New member
Need help with my dose amounts.

I have been running dbol now for two week and am anout to pin my first test c and deca shot tomorrow. Also is it ok to add test and deca in the same syringe!

Dbol 40mg 6 days a week x 4 weeks
Test c 500mg a week x 12 weeks
Deca 250 mg a week x 10 weeks

Im getting tren this week and woukd like to know when and how much to use.

All gear is northen pharma and g2g.

20% bf

Goals is to add size.

Is it better to do light weight and more reps (15-20) or heavy and less reps (4-8) for my goals?
What is your cycle experience? And stats/age?

Yes - can mix the two into one syringe and inject.

Where's the AI and dopamine agonist? How about PCT?

20% bf

Goals is to add size.

Is it better to do light weight and more reps (15-20) or heavy and less reps (4-8) for my goals?

Neither the money spot is 8-12. Most hypertrophy in muscles is in the 8-10 rep range. But it's not always about lifting crazy heavy. Hit a few sets of 12 and take the negative portion of your lift nice slow and controlled.

Now for your cycle..

Why only 6 days of dbol instead of 7? Test c dose looks fine and Deca dose is low but I'm guessing that's for joint issues? I would do tren ace and pin it at 75mg eod to begin to yest your tolerance. That is definitely not the compound you just hop up to 500mg with.

Also like mega said, where is your ai(ex. Adex) or dopamine agonist(ex. Prami/caber)? You need an ai to keep your E2 levels under control bro and with you running 2 19nor compounds I would definitely be using a dopamine agonist.

Also mega added where is your pct? Nolva/clomid??

Running and hcg on cycle to keep the boys going??

Also curious about your cycle history man. Tren can be temperamental and is definitely not a compound for guys just starting to cycle. This is my .02 of course
i have done two cycles in the past but has been ten years or so since.
1st was test and deca 2nd was dbol, test and deca with some sus250 and both used only nolva for pct.

this week i will pick up my tren a and some arimidex and in a couple weeks ill also pick up some nolva and clomid for pct when i get more test c.

im lucky to have a good source but its a money issue so i get what i can as i go.
im only adding the tren a as i was told it would help to harden my gains.

thanks guys for the advace
You should pick up the hCG and caber/prami too. You need the dopamine agonist with deca and tren.

Make sure you run pre, mid, and post cycle blood work too. Let us know if you don't know what blood work to run or where to get it.

I would run deca at 400mg/week. Split the test and deca injections into two per week. So 250mg test and 200mg deca every 3.5 days.

Your body fat % is on the higher side. You need to be careful with estradiol. Was it an issue with your previous cycles?

I would hold off on the tren. Save it for the next cycle.
i have done two cycles in the past but has been ten years or so since.
1st was test and deca 2nd was dbol, test and deca with some sus250 and both used only nolva for pct.

this week i will pick up my tren a and some arimidex and in a couple weeks ill also pick up some nolva and clomid for pct when i get more test c.

im lucky to have a good source but its a money issue so i get what i can as i go.

I would pick the Deca up to 400mg. Saying goes 2 mg of deca per pound of body weight but that dose should be suffice. I would also drop the tren bro, that shit can be tricky and being out of the game a little bit I would see how your body takes the heat with this cycle and think about adding it in cycles later on down the road. Tren can be the best thing in the world or the worst. Hate to see you have a bad first experience.

I would run your pct as follows:

Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 75/50/50/50 or 50/50/50/50

Money will always be the issue brother. Shit isn't cheap but imo it's worth every cent
Can i just run deca and test c at 500mg each a week? As the would make it easier to dose 1cc each twice a week.
As mentioned above mate drop the tren for now and should have really pinned when you started dbol as will be 4-6weeks before you see any noticeable gains from test/deca

Either run 2ml test with 1ml deca or up both by 1ml keeping test higher than deca so 500mg-750mg test and 400mg deca for atleast 12weeks.

I always run 16week cycle as find deca doesn't kick in til late with me