need advice on my next cycle please


New member
Hi guys

my stats are
height 5 10
weight 187pound
bf% = around 11%
have done 4-5 cycles in the past

i am planning my next cycle it will most likely be a cutting cycle havent fully decided but trying to find out what gear i need to order to get things ready.

i am thinking 100mg prop eod and either Anavar (var) or Winstrol (winny). now my dealer has Anavar (var) in pills and Winstrol (winny) in injectable. in your experience what do you recommend ? i hate the idea of injecting Winstrol (winny) ed and also hate the idea of taking oral steriods. Tren is out of the question because of hair loss..

so i am thinking of something like this
prop / Winstrol (winny) 100mg of each eod
prop 100mg eod Anavar (var) 50mg ed

along with clen and possibly t3 and very strict diet would start with maintaince calorie intake and take it down by a 100 every week until i reach 500 under and stay there.

also if i do decide on clean bulking what do u recommend adding to test prop cycle, i wanna run test at lower dosage the last cycle (which was 600mg per week) because of acne
4-5 cycles which is it want to help but you start out at 120lbs. amyways give me your age lets see what we can do
I have done mostly 500mg test cycles but have tried other compounds with such as deca and tren, I didn’t keep as much gains as I hoped because of poor diet specially after I finish the cycle. But now I did a lot of research on diet and have just finished a test prop only cycle with very good results and kept almost all of my gains.
I started with 127pounds and now at 187pounds 11-12% bf (almost done with pct) My goal now is to get lean 8%bf and maintain it naturally until I start another bulker. Now the problem is I am afraid of doing this naturally because I don’t want to lose any muscle and that’s why the cutting cycle..
Unless a clen only cycle can do the job?? That would be great since I can’t cycle for another 6 weeks. I really need advice on getting lean and staying lean I am not sure how people about it? Do you guys do it between cycles? Or at the end of the cycle similarly to contest prep? Or do a bulker cycle wait 8 weeks or whatever then run a proper cutting cycle?
getting lean has everything to do with your diet, and nothing to do with roids, first of all. Post up in the diet forum and ask 3J for advice.

Training? Cardio? Pct?

Drop the Winstrol (winny).

Test e 600mg/week 14 weeks
Tren A 150 EOD 10 weeks (4-14)
Dbol 50-80 mg/day weeks 1-4

yes i know that but my question is how far can you go without gear and not lose muscle because i have been doing alot of research and alot of people believe that you will always lose muscle when eating under maintenance unless you use test or any anti-catabolic gear
yes i know that but my question is how far can you go without gear and not lose muscle because i have been doing alot of research and alot of people believe that you will always lose muscle when eating under maintenance unless you use test or any anti-catabolic gear

you can minimalise muscle loss with correct dieting and correct cardio...
Oh yeah also, If its Winstrol (winny) vs. Anavar (var) take the Anavar (var) IMO. Winstrol (winny) gets slammed constantly. It messes up your joints... badly.
ok thanks guys i will run clen alone untill i can run another cycle of test, and then i will try test prop + Anavar (var) + clen and possibly t3